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Rule |
Procedure |
Magazine, College Literary | 6Hx23-4.38 | |
Mail Money Logs | P6Hx23-5.04 | |
Mail Service - See: Support Operations | P6Hx23-5.917 | |
Mail-in Registration - See: Receipt, Deposits and Disbursements | 6Hx23-5.04 | P6Hx23-5.04 |
Maintenance of the Physical Plant | 6Hx23-6.01 | |
Management: | ||
P6Hx23-5.901 | |
P6Hx23-1.902 | |
P6Hx23-1.903 | |
P6Hx23-5.919 | |
Marital Status Discrimination | 6Hx23-2.01 | |
Maternity Leave - See: Family and Medical Leave | 6Hx23-2.35 | P6Hx23-2.35 |
Matriculation: | ||
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Maximum Student Load | 6Hx23-4.161 | |
Meal Allowances During Travel | 6Hx23-5.16 | P6Hx23-5.161 |
Medical: | ||
6Hx23-5.08 | |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Meetings of the Board of Trustees | 6Hx23-1.04 | P6Hx23-1.04 |
Meetings, General | 6Hx23-1.27 | P6Hx23-1.27 |
Membership of Employees in Professional Organizations | 6Hx23-2.11 | |
Memberships in Professional Organizations and Associations | 6Hx23-5.14 | |
Memberships, Institutional | 6Hx23-1.13 | |
Microfilmed Public Records | P6Hx23-5.919 | |
Mileage Allowances - See: Travel Expenses | 6Hx23-5.16 | |
Procedure |
P6Hx23-5.161 | |
Military Leave | 6Hx23-2.33 | P6Hx23-2.33 |
6Hx23-2.28 | |
Minor, Reporting Abuse of a | P6Hx23-2.014 | |
Miscellaneous Charges | 6Hx23-5.171 | P6Hx23-5.171 |
6Hx23-1.072 | |
Mission Statement | 6Hx23-1.02 | |
Money, Collection of from Students | 6Hx23-1.17 | P6Hx23-1.17 |
Motor Pool - See: Vehicle Fleet Management | 6Hx23-1.22 | P6Hx23-1.22 |
Motor Vehicle Operators (Commercial), Alcohol and Drug Testing | 6Hx23-2.021 | |
Motto, College | 6Hx23-4.38 | |
Moving Service - See: Support Operations | P6Hx23-5.917 | |
Music: | ||
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
P6Hx23-4.033 |
Rule |
Procedure |
Name, Change of College (Temporary Rule) | 6Hx23-1.081 | |
Naming of College Facilities | 6Hx23-6.14 | |
National Guard Leave | 6Hx23-2.33 | P6Hx23-2.33 |
National Origin Discrimination | 6Hx23-2.01 | |
Nepotism | 6Hx23-2.13 | |
6Hx23-3.04 | P6Hx23-3.04 |
Newspaper, College | 6Hx23-4.38 | |
Nickname, College | 6Hx23-4.38 | |
No Tolerance Policy, Drug-Free Workplace | P6Hx23-2.02 | |
Non-Credit Course Fees | 6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Non-Degree Students - Admission Requirements | P6Hx23-4.02 | |
Non-Florida Residents, Tuition Fees, Occupational Courses | 6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Non-Probationary Status (definition) | 6Hx23-1.01 | |
Non-Student CLAST Administration Fees | 6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Non-credit Enrollment - See: Receipts, Deposits and Disbursements | 6Hx23-5.04 | P6Hx23-5.04 |
Non-current Public Records | P6Hx23-5.919 | |
Non-discrimination, Students | P6Hx23-4.01 | |
Non-reappointment of Instructional and Administrative Personnel Not Under Continuing Contract | 6Hx23-2.22 | |
Nursing Achievement Test Fees | 6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Nursing Mothers Act, Pump for (“PUMP” Act) | P6Hx23-2.9061 | |
Nursing Program | 6Hx23-4.69 | P6Hx23-4.69 |
Rule |
Procedure |
Occupation or Occupational (definition) | 6Hx23-1.01 | |
Occupational: | ||
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
6Hx23-4.29 | P6Hx23-4.29 |
Off-Campus Credit Enrollment - See: Receipts, Deposits and Disbursements | 6Hx23-5.04 | P6Hx23-5.04 |
Off-Campus Organizations Accounts Receivable | P6Hx23-5.27 | |
Office Careers Course Fees | 6Hx23-5.17 | P6Hx23-5.17 |
Official Entertainment | P6Hx23-5.908 | |
Official Visits to the College by Groups | P6Hx23-4.915 | |
Ombudsman Office, Student | 6Hx23-4.362 | P6Hx23-4.362 |
Open: | ||
6Hx23-5.04 | P6Hx23-5.04 |
6Hx23-2.02 | |
P6Hx23-1.371 | |
P6Hx23-5.122 | |
Operations, Support | P6Hx23-5.917 | |
Organization of the College (description) | 6Hx23-1.08 | |
Organization of Public Education and Ancillary Plants | P6Hx23-6.02 | |
Organizations - Hazing Prohibited | 6Hx23-4.331 | |
Organizations and Associations, Professional, Memberships in | 6Hx23-5.14 | |
Organizations, Professional, Membership of Employees | 6Hx23-2.11 | |
Organizations, Student | 6Hx23-4.44 | P6Hx23-4.44 |
Orientations - See Official Entertainment | P6Hx23-5.908 | |
Other Personnel Services (OPS) Employees | 6Hx23-2.02 | |
P6Hx23-2.151 | |
Other Personnel Services (OPS) Employees' Salaries | P6Hx23-5.911 | |
Out-of-District Course Approval | 6Hx23-3.09 | P6Hx23-3.09 |
Overlap of Employment for Training Purposes - Career Service Personnel | 6Hx23-2.15 | P6Hx23-2.15 |
Overload | 6Hx23-4.28 | P6Hx23-4.28 |
Overtime Funds | P6Hx23-5.912 | |
Overtime Policy - See: Workday and Workweek | 6Hx23-2.14 | P6Hx23-2.14 |
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