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Courses by Prefix

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All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

ACG 2021
Financial Accounting

ACG 2071
Managerial Accounting

ACG 2450
Accounting Software Applicatns

AMH 1091
African-American History

AMH 2010
History of the United States I

AMH 2020
History of the United StatesII

AMH 2070
Florida History

AML 2010
American Literature I: to 1865

AML 2020
American Literature II:1865 to

AML 3682
American Multi-Ethnic Lit

ANS 3006
Intro to Animal Science

ANS 3440
Principles of Animal Nutrition

ANT 2000
Introduction to Anthropology

ANT 2410
Cultural Anthropology

APA 2501
Payroll Accounting

ARC 1302C
Architectural Design II

ARC 1701
Architectural History I

ARC 1702
Architectural History II

ARC 2304C
Architectural Design IV

ARH 1000
Understanding Art

ARH 2050
Art History:Ancient to Gothic

ARH 2051
Art History:Renaiss to Contemp

ART 1201C
Design I

ART 1203C
Design II

ART 1300C
Drawing I

ART 1330C
Drawing II

ART 1750C
Ceramics I

ART 1751C
Ceramics II

ART 2400C
Printmaking I

ASL 1140C
Basic American Sign Lang w/Lab

ASL 1150C
Interm American Sign Langw/Lab

ASL 1160C
Advanced American Sign LangwLb

ASL 1510
Introduction to Deaf Culture

ASL 2210C
American Sign Language IV W/LB

AST 1002
Introduction to Astronomy

AST 1003
The Solar System

AST 1022L
Observational Astronomy Lab

ATE 0001
Vet. Nurse New Student Success

ATE 1110
Animal Anatomy

ATE 1110L
Animal Anatomy Lab

ATE 1211
Animal Physiology

ATE 1311L
Veterinary Office Procedures

ATE 1412C
Introduction to Dental Techniq

ATE 1636
Lge Animal Clinical & Nrsg Ski

ATE 1650L
Veterinary Clinical Prac Lab I

ATE 1654L
Veterinary Clinic Prac Lab II

ATE 1671L
Laboratory Animal Medicine

ATE 1741
Veterinary Med Terminology

ATE 1943
Veterinary Work Practicum I

ATE 1944
Veterinary Work Practicum II

ATE 2050C
Small Animal Breeds & Behavior

ATE 2611
Animal Anesthesia

ATE 2612
Animal Medicine

ATE 2631
Animal Nursing

ATE 2634
Animal Pharmacology

ATE 2638
Animal Lab Procedures I

ATE 2638L
Animal Lab Procedure Lab

ATE 2639
Animal Lab Procedures II

ATE 2639L
Animal Lab Procedures Lab II

ATE 2651L
Animal Nursing & Medicine Lb I

ATE 2653L
Animal Nursng & Medicine Lb II

ATE 2656L
Lg Animal Clincl & Nsg Skls Lb

ATE 2661
Large Animal Diseases

ATE 2710
Animal Emergency Medicine

ATE 2722L
Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine

ATE 2945
Veterinary Work Practicum III

ATE 2946
Veterinary Work Practicum IV

ATE 3052
Vet Tech From Success-Safety

ATE 3316
Finance for the Veterinary Mgr

ATE 3410
Dental Techniques in Vet Tech.

ATE 3615
Veterinary Pharmacology

ATE 3616
Small Animal Nursing

ATE 3617
Companion Animal Diseases

ATE 3803
Teachng Techniques Vet Tech

ATE 4317
Veterinary Hospital Mgmt

ATE 4854
Leadership in Vet Technology

ATE 4940
Vet Tech Capstone Practicum