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Courses by Prefix

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All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

CAI 1000
Introduction to AI

CAP 2762
Introduction to Data Mining

CAP 4770
Principles of Data Mining

CCJ 1020
Intro to Criminal Justice

CCJ 1629
Introduction to Murder

CCJ 2358
Capstone: Crim Jus Rprt Wrtg

CCJ 2509
Intro to Gangs and Crime

CCJ 2720
Intro Research Methods for CJ

CCJ 3075
Introduction to Cybercrime

CEN 4031
Adv Prog Development Framework

CEN 4722
Human Computer Interfaces

CET 1171C
Computer Repair Essentials

CET 1172C
Computer Support Technician

CET 1175C
Medical Software and Troublesh

CET 1600
Introduction to Networks

CET 1610
Switch, Rout, and Wireless Ess

CET 2615
Enterpr Ntwrk, Scrty, and Auto

CET 2620
Enterprise Core Technologies

CET 2685
Implement Cisco Ntwrk Security

CET 2691
Laws&Legal Aspects/IT Security

CGS 1070
Basic Computer & Info Literacy

CGS 1100
Computer Applications

CGS 1200C
Web Assistive Technologies

CGS 1301
Intro to Information Systems

CGS 1309
Computer and Information Techn

CGS 1515
Sprdsheet Tech & Programming

CGS 1545
Database Techniques

CGS 1560
Computer Operating Systems

CGS 1831
Web Foundations/Essentials

CGS 2651
Social Media and Web Tech.

CGS 2811
Incidnt Respnse & Dister Recov

CGS 2823
Adv Web Site Development

CGS 2940
Web Development Internship

CHM 1025
Introductory Chemistry

CHM 1025L
Introductory Chemistry Lab

CHM 1025
Introductory Chemistry

CHM 2045
Gen Chemistry I

CHM 2045L
Gen Chem/Qual Analys Lab I

CHM 2045
Gen Chemistry I

CHM 2046L
General Chemistry Lab II

CHM 2046
General Chemistry II

CHM 2210L
Organic Chemistry Lab I

CHM 2210
Organic Chemistry I

CHM 2211
Organic Chemistry II

CHM 2211L
Organic Chemistry Lab II

CHM 2211
Organic Chemistry II

CIS 1358
Operating System Security

CIS 2321
Systems Analysis & Design

CIS 2352
Ethical Hacking

CIS 2642C
Cloud Infrastr & Svcs

CIS 2940
Computer Information Tech. Int

CIS 2950
Cmptr Sci Capstone Exp

CIS 3083
Cloud Computing Foundations

CIS 3661
Security Architectures

CIS 4200
Security Penetration Testing

CIS 4219
Human Aspects Cyber Security

CIS 4253
Ethics for Info.Technology

CIS 4651
Cloud Deploy and Ops

CIS 4776
Cyber Warfare

CJC 3311
Contmpr Issues & Trends Correc

CJD 0210C
Law Enforcement Review

CJD 0213C
Equivalency of Training - Corr

CJE 1202
Crime and Delinquency

CJE 1640
Intro Crime Scene Technology

CJE 1643
Advanced Crime Scene Tech

CJE 1684
Internet Fraud Investigations

CJE 1685
Legal Aspects Cmptr Rel CI

CJE 1686
Forensic Cmptr Rel Crime

CJE 1687
Cmptr Sftwr Piracy Copyrt Infr

CJE 2605
Investigative Trends

CJE 2644
Crime Scene Safety

CJE 2645
Introduction Forensic Science

CJE 2671
Latent Fingerprint Development

CJE 2672
Fingerprint Classification

CJE 2673C
Crime Scene Photography

CJE 2676
Biological Evidence

CJE 3213
Dig Foren in Public Safety

CJE 3215
Mobile Device Forensics

CJE 3263
International Organized Crime

CJE 3361
Mgmt Speclzd Law Enforcmt Unit

CJE 3611
Crim Invest Theory & Practice

CJK 0002
Intro to Law Enforcement

CJK 0016

CJK 0018

CJK 0019
Interviewing\Report Writing

CJK 0020
CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle

CJK 0021
Serving Your Community

CJK 0031
CMS First Aid for CJ Officers

CJK 0040
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms

CJK 0051
CMS CJ Defensive Tactics

CJK 0063
Fundamentals of Patrol

CJK 0072
Crimes Against Persons

CJK 0073
Crimes Involving Prop. & Socie

CJK 0079
Crime Scene Follow-up Investig

CJK 0093
Critical Incidents

CJK 0096
CJ Officer Physical Fitness Tr

CJK 0300
Introduction to Corrections

CJK 0305

CJK 0310
Officer Safety

CJK 0315
Facility and Equipment

CJK 0320
Intake/Reception and Release

CJK 0325
Supervising Correct'l Facility

CJK 0330
Supervising Special Population

CJK 0335
Rspd to Incdnts & Emergencies

CJK 0340
Offcr Wellnss & Phys Abilities

CJK 0400
Traffic Incidents

CJK 0401
Traffic Stops

CJK 0402
Traffic Crash Investigations

CJK 0403
DUI Traffic Stops

CJK 0421
Dart-Firing Stun Gun

CJL 2062
Constitutional Law/Rules Evid

CJL 2610
Crtrm Presentation Scien Evide

CLP 2140
Abnormal Psychology

CLT 2373
Ancient Greek Mythology

CNT 1000
Network Fundamentals

CNT 2940
Computer Networking Internship

CNT 3010
Foundations:Oprting Syst & Net

CNT 3421
Securing the Cloud

COP 1000
Intro to Computer Programming

COP 1044
Intro to Data Sci using Python

COP 2220
Programming C++

COP 2222
Adv C++ Programming

COP 2250
Java Programming I

COP 2251
Java Programming II

COP 2360
C# Programming I

COP 2362
C# Programming II

COP 2654
iOS App Development

COP 2660
Intro to Android Programming

COP 2801

COP 2803
Client-Side JavaScript

COP 2839
ASP.NET Program w/ C#

COP 2844
Server-Side JavaScript

COP 2940
Computer Prog Internship

COP 3035
Intermediate Computer Prog

COP 4504
Advanced Software Programming

COP 4533
Algorithmic Design and Develop

CPO 2002
Comparative Government

CRW 2001
Creative Writing

CTS 1120
Netwk Security Fndtn

CTS 1193
Cloud Essentials

CTS 1314
Netwk Defense /Countermeasures

CTS 1328
Windows Srvr Hybrid Admin

CTS 1411
Fndmntls Info Storage & Mgmt

CTS 2106
Fndmtls Linux Oprtng Sys

CTS 2312
Cloud Security

CTS 2321
Linux System Administration

CTS 2370
Config & Manage Virtualization

CTS 2417
Data Visualization Techniques

CTS 2433
SQL Database Programming

CTS 2450
Intr. to Business Intelligence

CTS 2455
Data Modeling and Logical Desi

CTS 2940
Cybersecurity Internship

CTS 4124
Threat Detection and Mitigatio

CTS 4454
Business Intelligence/Data Min