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Courses by Prefix

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All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

PAD 3034
Survey of Public Policy

PAD 3311
Program Planning & Evaluation

PAD 3330
Urban and Regional Planning

PAD 3820
Fndtns of Public Safety Admin

PAD 3874
Comnty Relatins Theory & Pract

PAD 4046
Managing Conflict Public Orgs

PAD 4204
Public Finance

PAD 4232
Grant Admin & Resource Dvelpmt

PAD 4332
Strategic & Operational Plang

PAD 4393
Critical Incident Management

PAD 4426
Pub Sct Lbr Reltn and Coll Brg

PAD 4603
Administrative Law

PAD 4878
Public Safety Admin Capstone

PCB 3023
Cell Biology

PCB 3023L
Cell Biology Laboratory

PCB 3043

PCB 3043L
Ecology Lab

PCB 3063

PCB 3063L
Genetics Lab

PCB 4402
Disease Ecology

PCB 4674
Evolutionary Biology

PCB 4723
Comparative Physiology

PCB 4723L
Comparative Physiology Lab

PGY 2210C
Prof. Studio Portraiture

PGY 2404C
Intermediate Photography

PGY 2470C
Themes for Photographers

PGY 2800C
Digital Photography

PHI 1010H
Honors Intro to Philosophy

PHI 1010
Introduction to Philosophy

PHI 1600
Studies in Applied Ethics

PHI 1600H
Honors Studies Applied Ethics

PHI 1600
Studies in Applied Ethics

PHI 2621
Applied Ethics II

PHI 2623
Ethics for Educators

PHI 2647
Ethics in Science and Tech

PHT 1217L
PT Principles & Procedures Lab

PHT 1217
Physical Therapy Prin/Proc

PHT 2252L
Orthopedic Disab & Treatmt Lab

PHT 2252
Orthopedic Disab & Treatment

PHT 2810L
PT Clinical Practice II

PHT 2820L
PT Clinical Practice III

PHT 2931
Trends in Physical Therapy

PHY 1048L
Physics Laboratory I

PHY 1049L
Physics Laboratory II

PHY 1053
General Physics I

PHY 1054
General Physics II

PHY 2048
Physics I

PHY 2049
Physics II

PLA 1003
Intro to Paralegalism

PLA 1104
Legal Research and Writing

PLA 1361
Tech Interview & Investigation

PLA 1730
Online Legal Research

PLA 1763
Law Off Prac and Tech

PLA 2114
Adv Legal Research and Writing

PLA 2201
Civil Law and Procedure

PLA 2304
Criminal Law and Procedure

PLA 2433
Business Organizations

PLA 2600
Wills,Estates,Trusts,& Prob Ad

PLA 2800
Family Law

PLA 2940
Legal Assisting Seminar

PLA 3306
Criminal Law and Procedure

PLA 3410
Intellectual Property Law

PLA 3703
Seminar in Prof Responsibility

PLA 3723
Logic and the Law

PLA 3734
Computers and the Law Office

PLA 3873
Securities Law

PLA 3885
US Constitutional Law

PLA 4116
Legal Writing Seminar

PLA 4275
Tort and Personal Injury Law

PLA 4554
Environmental Law

PLA 4830
Comparative Legal Systems

PLA 4941
Paralegal Studies Capstone

PLA 4944
Paralegal Certificate Capstone

PLA 4949
Paralegal Studies Coop Wk

POS 2041
American National Government

POS 2112
State & Local Government

POS 3235
Mass Media and Public Policy

PPE 2001
Personality Development

PSC 1191L
Lab in the Physical Sciences

PSP 0660
Basic Recruit Administrative

PSP 0700
Criminal Justice In-Service -

PSP 0701
Trust Funded CJ In-Service - 1

PSP 0702
Criminal Justice In-Service -

PSP 0768
CJ Assist Agency Training 0-20

PSP 0803
Fire In-Service 8 hr

PSP 0807
Fire In-Service 40 hr

PSP 0826
Apparatus Pump Operator

PSP 0842
National Fire Academy 16 hour

PSP 0852
Aerial Operations

PSP 0874
Street Smart Forcible Entry

PSP 0882
Test Online CEU Class

PSP 0882
Fire Science In-Service Traini

PSP 0883
Fire Origin & Cause Online

PSP 0884
Florida Training Manager

PSY 1012
General Psychology

PSY 1012H
Honors General Psychology

PSY 1012
General Psychology

PUP 3002
Intro Public Policy and Admin

PUP 3033
Policy Leadership

PUP 3040
State & Local Gov & Pub Policy

PUP 3043
Policy Research Methods I

PUP 3046
Policy Research Methods II

PUP 3052
Issues in International Policy

PUP 3054
Policy and Ethics

PUP 3823
Emergency/Crisis Communication

PUP 4941
Public Policy Capstone

PUP 4949
Public Policy Co-op