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Faculty by Campus

Faculty are listed under the campus locations where they teach, different office locations are noted.

View faculty members that teach online.

3200 34th St. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33711

The state-of-the-art Allstate Center opened in 1991 and is home to the Southeastern Public Safety Institute (SEPSI). Earn certificates, associate and bachelor's degrees or take in-service training through: Corrections Academy, Equivalency of Training Academy, Firefighting Academy and Law Enforcement Academy.
Kenneth Afienko *
Paul Althoff -
Gabrielle Bain -
Camilla Brito *
Scott Burford -
Stephanie Chaiser -
Janice Dean
Tracy Dean -
Daniel Distasio *
Benjamin Dyck -
Douglas Gladstone -
Kevin Hennessy -
Lawrence King -
Christopher Lindau *
Karen Macauley -
Steven Marfongella -
Thomas McClave -
Felicia Mead -
Stephanie Nuszkowski
Traci Reid
Paul Roach -
Joshua Saavedra *
Joseph Saponare
Richard Serra -
Alan Shedler
Ralph Sibbio *
Andrea Tran
Kaylie Vukota *
Sergej Vukota -
  * office located on different campus
  - course information only