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Courses by Prefix

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All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

DEH 1710
Biolgcal Chem & Appl Nutrition

DEH 1800L
Dental Hygiene II Clinic

DEH 1800
Dental Hygiene II

DEH 2602
Periodontics I

DEH 2604
Periodontics II

DEH 2702C
Community Dental Health Prac

DEH 2806
Dental Hygiene V

DEH 2806L
Dental Hygiene V Clinic

DEH 3730
Dental Hygiene Educ Concepts

DEH 3813
Contmpry Issues in Dental Hyg

DEH 3814
Intro Dental Hygiene Research

DEH 4851
Practice Mgmt Dental Hygienist

DEH 4852
Adv Ethics in Dental Hygiene

DEH 4947
Dental Hygiene Capstone

DEP 2004
Lifespan Psychology

DEP 2102
Child Development

DES 2100
Dental Materials

DES 2100L
Dental Materials Lab

DIG 1004C
Exploration of Media Tools

DIG 2000
Intro to Digital Media

DIG 2030
Survey of Digital Video

DIG 2091
Legal Issues/Media Development

DIG 2100
Web Design I

DIG 2109
Digital Imaging Fundamentals

DIG 2116
Adv Digital Image Editing

DIG 2131
Digital Art and Design

DIG 2132
Electronic Media Design

DIG 2183C
Digital Drawing

DIG 2205
Basic Video Editing

DIG 2251
Sound For Media

DIG 2284
Advanced Videography

DIG 2311
Motion Graphics I

DIG 2410C
Basic Scripting for Videos

DIG 2545
Media Planning

DIG 2940
Digital Arts Internship

DSC 1002
Domestic & Intern'nl Terrorism

DSC 1033
Weapons of Mass Destruction

DSC 1552
Critical Infrastructure Protec

DSC 1631
Terrorism Response Planning