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Courses by Prefix

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All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

HFT 1000
Intro to Hospitality/Tourism

HFT 1300
Housekeeping Operations

HFT 1410
Front Office Procedures

HFT 1941
Operations & Service Practicum

HFT 2265
Food Service Operations

HFT 2450
Hospitality Cost Controls

HFT 2600
Hospitality Law

HFT 2750
The Event Industry

HFT 2942
Hospitality Internship

HHP 0426
Certified Clinical Medical Ass

HHP 0516
Certified Phlebotomy Technicia

HIM 1101
HIM Standards & Practice

HIM 1140
Pharm and Pathophy for HIM Pro

HIM 1506
HIM Compliance

HIM 1511
Hlthcare Inf.& Wrkfl

HIM 1800
Professional Practice Exper I

HIM 2012
Health Law Concepts & Practice

HIM 2201 Stats & Data Analysis

HIM 2223
Intro Coding & Reimbrsemnt

HIM 2229
Introduction to ICD-CM Coding

HIM 2253
Basic CPT Coding

HIM 2510
Quality & Performance Improvmt

HIM 2652
Electr Hlth/Med Record Systems

HIM 2723
ICD-PCS Coding

HIM 2810
Professional Practice Exper II

HIM 2820
Prof Practice Experience III

HIM 2960
Credentialing Exam Review

HLP 1080
Personal Wellness

HSA 1100
Healthcare Delivery Systems

HSA 1102
Current Issues in Health

HSA 2001
Interprofnl Team Based Health

HSA 2182
Health Services Mngmt Concepts

HSA 3104
Healthcare Delivery in the US

HSA 3113
Contmporay Issues in Hlth Care

HSA 3170
Health & Human Services Fin

HSA 3702
Rsrch Methods in Hlt/Human Srv

HSA 4140
Strategic Mgmt & Planning

HSA 4184
Ldrshp & Mgmt in Hlth & Hum Se

HSA 4191
Health Information Systems

HSA 4192
Applied Health Info/Informatic

HSA 4502
Health Care Risk Management

HSC 1149
Gen Pharmacology for Hlth Prof

HSC 1524
Intro to Infectious Disease

HSC 1531
Medical Terminology I

HSC 2721
Evidence-Based Healthcare Prac

HSC 3201
Community Hlth & Epidemiology

HSC 3211
Concpts of Hlth Prom & Dis Pre

HSC 3243
Edu Cncpts Allied Health Educa

HSC 4640
Legal & Ethical Aspects Hlth C

HSC 4910
HSA Capstone

HUM 1020
Introduction to Humanities

HUM 2210
Western Humanities:Ancient to

HUM 2233
Western Humanities:Baroque

HUM 2270H
Honors Humanities (E-W Syn)

HUM 2270
Humanities (East-West Synthes)

HUN 1201
Science of Nutrition

HUS 1001
Principles & Strategy Hum Svc

HUS 1013
Strategies for BldSelf-Esteem

HUS 1019
Intro. To Stress Management

HUS 1111
Intro Personal Processes

HUS 1318
Domestic Abuse and Family Viol

HUS 1320
Theories/Fndtns Crisis Interve

HUS 1353
Issues in Community Health Ser

HUS 1431
Issues in Addiction Prevention

HUS 1445
Prctcs Wrkng Dysfunctl Family

HUS 1450
Dual Diagnosis I

HUS 1480
HIV/AIDS & Drug Crisis

HUS 2200
Dynmcs/Groups&Group Counseling

HUS 2302
Basic Counseling Skills

HUS 2315
Stud in Behavioral Modificat

HUS 2428
Treat & Resources Sub Abuse

HUS 2540
Bldg Stronger Families & Comm

HUS 2541
Wrkng Families in Early Childh

HUS 2550
Social Services & Disenfran

HUS 2949
Co-op Work Exp in Human Svcs

HUS 3020
Human Dev through the Lifespan

HUS 3204
Advanced Group Dynamics

HUS 3321
Case Mgmt Prob-Solvng HS

HUS 3335
Adv Counsel & Interview Skills

HUS 3370
Issues In Mental Health

HUS 3505
Ethics in Human Services

HUS 3570
Vlnrble Pop Hlth & Care Issues

HUS 3601
Human Services Social Research

HUS 4333
Assmt & Intervtn Mental Health

HUS 4442
Substance Abuse & the Family

HUS 4553
Multicultrl Persp in Hum Svc

HUS 4561
Social Problems and Policy

HUS 4650
Admin in Human Svcs

HUS 4700
Advanced Treatment & Mgmt

HUS 4945
Human Services Internship