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Courses by Format

Select a course format and letter to filter the list below. View the course information and the faculty teaching this term.

Face-to-Face Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

ECO 2000
Introduction to Economics

ECO 2013
Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 2023
Principles of Microeconomics

EDE 4940
Internship: Elementary Ed

EDE 4942
Integr Lng Arts/SS /Cr. Ar. Pr

EDE 4943
Integr Math & Sci Practicum

EDF 1005
Introduction to Education

EDF 4949
EPI Internship

EDG 4940
Internship: EDST

EEC 2907
Early Childhood Edu Internship

EEC 4948
Early Childhood Education Inte

EET 1035C
AC/DC Circuits with Lab

EET 1084C
Introduction to Electronics

EET 1205C
Electronic Instrumentation

EET 2155C
Linear Integratd Circuits w/Lb

EEX 4940
Internship: Exceptnal Stu Educ

EMS 0110
Emergency Medical Technician

EMS 1119
Fundmentals of Emerg Med Care

EMS 1119L
Fund Emerg Med Care Lab

EMS 1119
Fundmentals of Emerg Med Care

EMS 1411
Emerg Med Care Clinic Exper

EMS 1421
EMT Field Internship

EMS 2601L
Paramedic Laboratory I

EMS 2601
Paramedic Theory I

EMS 2602L
Paramedic Laboratory II

EMS 2602
Paramedic Theory II

EMS 2664
Paramedic Clinical I

EMS 2665
Paramedic Clinical II

ENC 0025
Development Writing II

ENC 1101
Composition I

ENC 1102
Composition II

ENC 1102H
Honors Composition II

ENC 1102
Composition II

ENG 2100
Intro to Motion Pictures

ESC 1000C
Earth Science

ETD 1320C
Introduction to CAD

ETD 1390C
Intro to Architectural Revit

ETD 2367C
Fusion 360

ETD 2372C
Rapid Prototyping II-Manufactu

ETM 1010C
Mechanical Msrmt & Instrumnttn

ETS 1535C
Automation and Sensors

EVR 1001C
Introduction to Environmental