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Courses by Format

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Face-to-Face Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

CCJ 1020
Intro to Criminal Justice

CCJ 1629
Introduction to Murder

CGS 1070
Basic Computer & Info Literacy

CGS 1100
Computer Applications

CHM 1025
Introductory Chemistry

CHM 1025L
Introductory Chemistry Lab

CHM 1025
Introductory Chemistry

CHM 2045
Gen Chemistry I

CHM 2045L
Gen Chem/Qual Analys Lab I

CHM 2045
Gen Chemistry I

CHM 2046L
General Chemistry Lab II

CHM 2046
General Chemistry II

CHM 2210L
Organic Chemistry Lab I

CHM 2210
Organic Chemistry I

CHM 2211
Organic Chemistry II

CHM 2211L
Organic Chemistry Lab II

CJD 0210C
Law Enforcement Review

CJD 0213C
Equivalency of Training - Corr

CJE 1202
Crime and Delinquency

CJE 1640
Intro Crime Scene Technology

CJE 2605
Investigative Trends

CJE 2645
Introduction Forensic Science

CJE 2672
Fingerprint Classification

CJE 2673C
Crime Scene Photography

CJK 0002
Intro to Law Enforcement

CJK 0016

CJK 0018

CJK 0019
Interviewing\Report Writing

CJK 0020
CMS Law Enforcement Vehicle

CJK 0021
Serving Your Community

CJK 0031
CMS First Aid for CJ Officers

CJK 0040
CMS Criminal Justice Firearms

CJK 0051
CMS CJ Defensive Tactics

CJK 0063
Fundamentals of Patrol

CJK 0072
Crimes Against Persons

CJK 0073
Crimes Involving Prop. & Socie

CJK 0079
Crime Scene Follow-up Investig

CJK 0093
Critical Incidents

CJK 0096
CJ Officer Physical Fitness Tr

CJK 0300
Introduction to Corrections

CJK 0305

CJK 0310
Officer Safety

CJK 0315
Facility and Equipment

CJK 0320
Intake/Reception and Release

CJK 0325
Supervising Correct'l Facility

CJK 0330
Supervising Special Population

CJK 0335
Rspd to Incdnts & Emergencies

CJK 0340
Offcr Wellnss & Phys Abilities

CJK 0400
Traffic Incidents

CJK 0401
Traffic Stops

CJK 0402
Traffic Crash Investigations

CJK 0403
DUI Traffic Stops

CJK 0421
Dart-Firing Stun Gun

CJL 2610
Crtrm Presentation Scien Evide

CLP 2140
Abnormal Psychology

CLT 2373
Ancient Greek Mythology

COP 1000
Intro to Computer Programming

CPO 2002
Comparative Government

CRW 2001
Creative Writing