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Courses by Format

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Blended Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

CCJ 2720
Intro Research Methods for CJ

CET 1171C
Computer Repair Essentials

CET 1172C
Computer Support Technician

CET 1175C
Medical Software and Troublesh

CET 1600
Introduction to Networks

CET 1610
Switch, Rout, and Wireless Ess

CGS 1070
Basic Computer & Info Literacy

CGS 1100
Computer Applications

CHM 1025
Introductory Chemistry

CJE 2644
Crime Scene Safety

COP 1000
Intro to Computer Programming

COP 2250
Java Programming I

COP 2360
C# Programming I

CTS 2433
SQL Database Programming

CTS 2450
Intr. to Business Intelligence

CTS 2455
Data Modeling and Logical Desi