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Courses by Format

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Blended Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

EAP 0200
Basic Listening/Speaking

EAP 0295
Basic ESL I

EAP 0300
Interm Listening/Speaking I

EAP 0395
Basic ESL II

EAP 0400
Interm Listening/Speaking II

EAP 0495
Intermediate ESL

EAP 1500
Advanced Listening/Speaking

EAP 1595
Advanced ESL I

EAP 1695
Advanced ESL II

ECO 2013
Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 2023
Principles of Microeconomics

EET 1084C
Introduction to Electronics

ENC 0025
Development Writing II

ENC 1101
Composition I

ENC 1102
Composition II

ENT 1000
Intro to Entrepreneurship

ENT 2010
Plang Entrepreneurial Venture

ESC 1000C
Earth Science

ETD 1320C
Introduction to CAD

ETD 2392C
Advanced Architectural Revit

ETS 1412C
Managing Medical Technology

ETS 2440C
Optics and Imaging

EVR 1001C
Introduction to Environmental

EVR 2892C
Environmental Samplng & Analys

EVR 2930
Special Topics in Env Sci

EVR 4027C