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Courses by Format

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Face-to-Face Courses - Summer 2023-2024 (0635)

SLS 1101
The College Experience

SLS 1301
Career & Life Planning

SPC 1017
Intro Speech Communication

SPN 1120
Elementary Spanish I

SPN 1121
Elementary Spanish II

SPN 2200
Intermediate Spanish I

SPN 2201
Intermediate Spanish II

SPN 2240
Spanish Conv/Composition I

SPN 2241
Spanish Conversation/Comp II

SPN 2949
Spanish Study Abroad Wk Exp

STA 2023
Elementary Statistics

STS 1310L
Surg Prncpls and Tchniqes Lab

STS 1310
Surg Principles and Techniques

STS 2936
Surg. Certification Symposium

STS 2945C
Surgical Technology Clinic II

SYG 2000
Introduction to Sociology