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Courses by Format

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Face-to-Face Courses - Summer 2023-2024 (0635)

PCB 3063L
Genetics Lab

PHI 1600
Studies in Applied Ethics

PHT 1801L
Physical Therapy Clinic Prac I

PHY 1048L
Physics Laboratory I

PHY 2048
Physics I

POS 2041
American National Government

PSP 0660
Basic Recruit Administrative

PSP 0700
Criminal Justice In-Service -

PSP 0701
Trust Funded CJ In-Service - 1

PSP 0702
Criminal Justice In-Service -

PSP 0728
EOT Firearms

PSP 0768
CJ Assist Agency Training 0-20

PSP 0807
Fire In-Service 40 hr

PSP 0816
Physical Ability Test

PSP 0826
Apparatus Pump Operator

PSY 1012
General Psychology