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Courses by Term

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Spring 2024-2025

All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

TAX 2000
Federal Individual Income Tax

THE 2000
Intro. Theatre (Theater) Arts

THE 2090L
Prd Inlv for Theatre (Theater)

THE 2304
Scrpt AnlysTheatre (Theater)

THE 2940
Theatre (Theater) Internship

TPA 1232C
Intro Cstm Theatre (Theater)

TPA 2200C
Stgcft I for Theatre (Theater)

TPA 2204C
Stgcft II Theatre (Theater)

TPP 1100
Acting I for Theatre (Theater)

TPP 1111
Acting II Theatre (Theater)

TSL 3080
ESOL Isues: Prin & Prac I K-12

TSL 4081
ESOL Issues: Prncple & Prac II

TSL 4939
ESOL Capstone