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Courses by Term

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Spring 2024-2025

All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

FES 3533
Community Fire & Risk Reducton

FES 3823
Plng Methdlgy Hazard Mitigaton

FES 4014
Evolution of Emergency Mgmt

FFP 0030
Basic Firefighter I

FFP 0031
Basic Firefighter II

FFP 1104
Legal Issues for Safety Office

FFP 1111
Fire Chemistry

FFP 1505
Fire Prevention

FFP 1540
Private Fire Protection Sys I

FFP 1830
Introduction to Hazards

FFP 2120
Bldg Construction Fire Service

FFP 2541
Private Fire Protection Sys II

FFP 2720
Company Officer

FFP 2740
Fire Service Course Delivery

FFP 2741
Fire Service Course Design

FFP 2801
Fundamentals of Emergency Mgmt

FFP 2811
Firefighting Tactics/Strat II

FFP 2841
Contingency Plan Bus & Indstry

FIL 2100
Motion Picture Writing I

FIN 1100
Personal Finance

FIN 2000
Principles of Finance

FIN 3400
Intro Financial Mgmt

FIN 3403
Financial Management

FIN 4140
Personal Financial Planning

FIN 4323
Bank Operations & Management

FIN 4414
Advanced Financial Mgmt

FIN 4470
Entrepreneurial Finance

FIN 4504

FRE 1120
Elementary French I

FRE 1121
Elementary French II

FSE 1000
Intro to Funeral Services

FSE 1105

FSE 1150
Cremation History,Princ & Prac

FSE 1204
Funeral Serv Computer Appl

FSE 2060
Funeral Directing

FSE 2061

FSE 2080
Funeral Law

FSE 2100
Embalming I

FSE 2101L
Embalming Clinical I

FSE 2120
Restorative Art

FSE 2120L
Restorative Art Lab

FSE 2140
Embalming II

FSE 2141L
Embalming Clinical II

FSE 2160
Funeral Pathology

FSE 2201
Funeral Home Mgmt Oper

FSE 2202
Funeral Home Management

FSE 2930
Funeral Services Prof Review

FSE 2946C
Professional Practicum

FSS 2235C
Intro Food Production Managemt