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Courses by Term

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Spring 2024-2025

All Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

BCH 4024

BCN 1251C
Construction Drawing

BCN 1592
Energy Efficient Bldg Const

BCN 1593
A Building's Life

BCN 1597
Intro Solr Enrgy Resdntl Const

BCN 1940
Construction Practicum

BCN 2054C
Construction Surveying Methods

BCN 2732
OSHA Standards for Const Indus

BCN 2949
Co-op Work Experience

BCT 1760
Building Codes

BCT 1781
Adv Est, Schd, and Pro Mgmt To

BME 2930
Spcl Topics in Biomedical Eng

BRC 2001
Prin of Fin Services-Banking

BSC 1005C
Biological Sciences with Lab

BSC 1005CH
Honors Bio Sciences w/Lab

BSC 1005C
Biological Sciences with Lab

BSC 1083
Human Anatomy

BSC 1084C
Essentials of Human A& P

BSC 1930
Biological Issues

BSC 2010
Biology I Cellular Processes

BSC 2010L
Biology I Cellular Process Lab

BSC 2010
Biology I Cellular Processes

BSC 2011
Biology II Organisms & Ecology

BSC 2011L
Biology II Laboratory

BSC 2011
Biology II Organisms & Ecology

BSC 2085
Human Anatomy & Physiology I

BSC 2085L
Human Anatomy & Physiol Lab I

BSC 2085
Human Anatomy & Physiology I

BSC 2086
Human Anatomy & Physiology II

BSC 2086L
Human Anatomy & Physiol Lab II

BSC 2086
Human Anatomy & Physiology II

BSC 2250C
Field Biology of Florida

BSC 2420
Introduction to Biotechnology

BSC 2427C
Biotechnology Methods II

BSC 2847
Scientific Comm for Biotech

BSC 2931
Biotechnology Capstone

BSC 3017
Thry & Prtc in Biological Scne

BSC 3931
Special Topics in Biology

BSC 3931L
Special Topics in Biology Lab

BSC 3932
Scientific Communication

BSC 4905C
Undergraduate Rsrch Biology

BSC 4931
Senior Seminar in Biology

BSC 4940
Internship Biological Science

BUL 2131
Legal Environment of Business

BUL 2241
Business Law I

BUL 3320
Law and Business

BUL 3322
Legal Issues in Interntl Bus

BUL 3564
Legal Aspects Managing Technol

BUL 3583
Legal Aspects ofSustainability