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Mrs. Heidi Stein, MSN, RN-BC, CRNI

Mrs. Heidi Stein, MSN, RN-BC, CRNI
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HE 256C
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Educational Background
I graduated in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines. I graduated with a Master of Science in Nursing Education from University of South Florida, in 2005.
My goal as a teacher is to be flexible and be responsive to both the educational needs of the students and the service needs of the hospitals who are essential partners to the effective implementation of the nursing program/curriculum.
My Philosophy of Nursing Education
Nursing Education in the university or community college setting deals primarily with the adult learner. Life experiences, self motivation, self direction, and values have a direct impact on the teaching and learning experiences. The foundation for nursing education should be based on problem-solving situations whose solutions have been previously validated. These situations involve technical, intellectual, and interpersonal competencies.
A person is a unique, social, rational, spiritual, and biological individual entitled to respect and individual consideration. The person strives to maintain homeostasis through interaction with the community and move toward self actualization.
Nursing as defined by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups, and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of the ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles (ICN, 2004).
As a professional nurse, I apply my knowledge of  nursing which involves assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of patient outcomes.
The environment is a dynamic complex of systems and subsystems which impact the individual. The forces of the current environment are transforming healthcare and its delivery. Trends to be considered include: wellness, management of chronic conditions, consumer empowerment, shift of care in the community, aging population, cultural diversity, fiscal accountability, personal and professional accountability, collaboration, expanding scientific knowledge and technology.
Health is a state of being experienced in a unique way by each individual. When one's basic needs are met, and homeostasis is maintained, a state of wellness is achieved.
Teaching and Learning
The processes of teaching and learning are active and reciprocal. The learner attempts to achieve desired competency in application of knowledge while the teacher's role is one of facilitator in this change of behavior. These changes are manifested in development of cognitive, psychomotor and affective abilities in the learner.
Nursing Education
Nursing education is an evolving body of knowledge built upon the biological, physical, and human sciences. Nursing education is responsive to the rapidly changing healthcare systems and reflective of new partnerships between students, teachers and clinicians. Nursing education provides collaborative opportunities with clinical sites to facilitate learning the roles of provider of care, manager of care, and becoming a member of the discipline of nursing. Nursing education focuses on evidenced based, clinically competent care in an ethical manner to all clients regardless of health problems, personal attributes, third party payors, and public demands. (NLN, 2003)
Personal Interest
I am interested in updating my knowledge and skills in nursing through continuing education and certification. I promote active participation and membership in professional organizations. I am passionate about reducing errors in medication administration, especially the 6th "R" in mediation administration proper administration of parenteral medications. I want to disseminate my knowledge of infusion therapy in the college and in the clinical areas as well as encourage nurses to have certification in Infusion Therapy or  in any specialty in nursing that they are interested in.
I love travelling and learning about many cultures all over the world, as well as making people aware of my own Filipino culture.
I love to play golf, read or listen to books, listen to classical music, gardening flowering plants especially orchids and growing vegetables. My other hobbies  are knitting, crocheting and jewelry making.