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Mr. Timothy Scholz

Mr. Timothy Scholz
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Adjunct Faculty

First and formost I must confess that I am an IT geek and I am proud of it.

I have always felt if you aren't learning, you aren't living. To that end I have pursued multiple degrees and certifications and strive to continually learn and grow. This desire to learn has helped advance in my carreer and provided my some very interesting life experiences in the process.

I have studied in the traditional classroom setting, a blended classroom setting and in an online setting. I have succeeded in all three and recognize that each setting has its own challenges and benefits. As an instructor I intend to give you all the resources you need to succeed.

I currently work as a Senior Software Engineer specializing in Microsoft Technologies. I have experience in web and desktop development for large and small clients. In all of this the most important thing I have learned is that you must have a strong grasp of the foundational concepts of programming. These concepts are always the same no matter what tools and technologies you are using.

When I am not writing code for work I am usually working on hobby projects involving video and graphic design. I enjoy time with my family and I am an avid sports fan. If its the Rays, Bucs or Lightning I am following the game somehow. I also manage to find time to volunteer as a coach for local youth bowling and Special Olympics Stand Up Paddleboard Team Pinellas.