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Ms Kim Marshall

Ms Kim Marshall
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
TE 2-403
Adjunct Faculty


  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1994 - 1995
    Master of Science/Computer Science
    Emphasis in database management and Management Information Systems
  • University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1989 - 1993
    Bachelor of Science/Computer Science
    Emphasis in database management, Minor in Business Management

Educational Philosophy

I personally believe that an instructor takes on many roles. She/he becomes a teacher, a mentor, coach and peer. Teaching methods and materials should be designed in a way that keeps students’ attention and interest. I believe when an instructor strives to make the material relevant to the students, connecting information to student’s prior knowledge and then helping them to make connections to the new material, will assist the student in retaining that new information. As for the roles of mentor or coach it is important to share knowledge and experiences, helping the students to continue to grow intellectually stronger. I feel that experiences are a powerful learning tool for the student education and future. As for the role of peer, I believe that students thrive when they feel that they have someone on their side, someone they can trust. This is accomplished by the instructor practicing patience, tolerance, and understanding through motives that are honest and dependable.