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Mr. Daniel Krause

Mr. Daniel Krause
SPC Downtown
Career & Academic Advisor

B.A in Communication with concentration in IMC (Integrated Marketing) from USF (2006). Minor in Western Humanities (2006).
A.A from Brevard Community College (2003),

Academic Advising History
I, for one, have been involved in the state college system in Florida since 2001. I transferred to SPC in early 2014 from Brevard Community College where I worked in admissions/records and general student services. 

Pt. Pleasant Beach, New Jersey

Academic Communities Primarily Served
Communication, Humanities/Arts, Education, 

English (Native)
Romanian (B level)

Interesting Facts:
I currently hold an CompTIA A+ and Net+ certification, and have a passion for computer and PC gaming technology. 
In my spare time I serve as a high school football coach.
I like to travel around the USA, by far my favorite city in the US is Bellevue, Washington (State).
Outside of the US, my favorite city is Cluj-Napoca, Romania... actually, pretty much any city, town or village in the region of Ardeal.

You can reach me by phone at 727-614-7062; however, please note due to the volume of calls I receive the most efficent way to reach me is via E-mail. Thank you!