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Mrs. Odette Figueruelo, M.A

Mrs. Odette Figueruelo, M.A
Seminole Campus
UP 337
Adjunct Faculty
(727) 341-3337

I was born In Cuba. At the age of nine I moved to Spain where my father's family is from. Years later I moved to the United States. I always had a passion for cultures, languages and people. I earned a Bachelors degree in International relations. It was later, when I started Graduate school that I began teaching Spanish at the University of South Florida. I have taught Elementary, High school, middle school and college. I recently completed a Graduate Certificate from the University of South Florida on Gifted Education. I believe that everyone is gifted in a different way. It is very important to me to help my students reach their fullest potential by tapping into their unique giftedness. As a Spanish instructor one of my goals is to provide my students with another life skill that would allow them to interact and perform more effectively. I also want my students to be more knowledgeable and sensitive about other cultures in the global community.

"One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way." Frank Smith