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Courses by Format

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Online Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

NSP 3276
ECG Intrpt Health Care Prof

NSP 3289
Topcs in Gerontological Nursng

NSP 3685
End-OF-Life Care

NUR 1083
LPN Transition Profes Nursing

NUR 1111
Professional Nursing I

NUR 1112
Professional Nursing II

NUR 1113
Professional Nursing III

NUR 1141
Pharmacology I

NUR 1142
Pharmacology II

NUR 1147
LPN Transition Pharmacology

NUR 1148
Pharmacology III

NUR 1149
Pharmacology IV

NUR 3066
Hlth Assmnt & Physcal Apprasal

NUR 3125

NUR 3145
Pharmacology in Nursing Prac

NUR 3655
Nursing in Mlticulturl Society

NUR 3684
Health Promotion in Nursing

NUR 3805
Prof Roles & Dimns Nrsg Prac

NUR 3826
Legal & Ethical Aspects of Nsg

NUR 3874
Informatics & Clinical Reason

NUR 3931
Issues and Trends in Nursing

NUR 4169
Evidence-Based Research Utiliz

NUR 4606
Nursing of the Family

NUR 4636
Community Hlth Nursing Theory

NUR 4636L
Community Hlth Nrsng Practicu

NUR 4636
Community Hlth Nursing Theory

NUR 4667
Globalization of Nursing Pract

NUR 4827
Leadership in Nursing

NUR 4835
Leadership Theory

NUR 4835L
Leadership Practicum

NUR 4950