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Courses by Format

Select a course format and letter to filter the list below. View the course information and the faculty teaching this term.

Online Courses - Spring 2024-2025 (0645)

MAC 1105
College Algebra

MAC 1114

MAC 1140
Pre-Calculus Algebra

MAC 2233
Applied Calculus I

MAC 2311
Calculus w/Analytic Geometry I

MAC 2312
Calculus w/Analytc Geometry II

MAE 4114
Math Content for Elementary Gr

MAN 1500
Supply Chain Operations

MAN 2021
Principles of Management

MAN 2340
Supervisory Management

MAN 2571
Supply Chain Planning

MAN 2582
Introduction to Project Mgmt

MAN 2604
Intercultural Relations in Bus

MAN 3240
Appl Organizational Behavior

MAN 3301
Public Personnel Management

MAN 3303
Mgmt & Leadership Practices

MAN 3503
Mgral Risk Anlysis & Dec Mkng

MAN 3504
Operations Management

MAN 3600
International Business

MAN 3784
Sustainability Natural Environ

MAN 3786
Sustainability in Built Enviro

MAN 3802
Principles of Entrepreneurship

MAN 4054
Managing for Innovation

MAN 4102
Managing Cultural Diversity

MAN 4583
Project Management

MAN 4584
Process Improvement Methods

MAN 4625
Mgng Global Human Resources

MAN 4741
Innov, Change & Agile Projects

MAN 4787
Energy & Environmtl Techniques

MAN 4801
Business Plan Strategies

MAN 4881
Authority Influence & Projects

MAN 4883
Project Management Specializat

MAN 4885
Complex and Advanced Projects

MAN 4902
Sr Capston Sustainability Mgmt

MAR 1142
Global Marketing

MAR 2011
Principles of Marketing

MAR 2101
Social Media Marketing

MAR 2321

MAR 2410
Personal Selling

MAR 3334
Marketing Promotions

MAR 3802
Marketing Management

MAR 4413
Sales,Negtng &Cstmr Relsp Mgmt

MAR 4424
International Marketing

MAR 4613
Marketing Research

MAR 4721
Digital Marketing Strategy

MAR 4836
Concept & Product Development

MAT 0022
Developmental Mathematics

MAT 0028
Developmental Mathematics II

MAT 1033
Intermediate Algebra

MCB 2010

MCB 2010L
Microbiology Laboratory

MCB 2010

MET 2010
Introductory Meteorology

MGF 1106
Mathematics for Liberal Arts I

MGF 1107
Mathematics forLiberal Arts II

MGF 1130
Mathematical Thinking

MGF 1131
Mathematics in Context

MMC 2000
Intro to Mass Communications

MMC 2100
Writing for the Mass Media

MMC 2700
Mass Media and Popular Culture

MNA 1751
Customer ServiceI Dvlping Sprt

MUL 1010
Music Appreciation

MUS 1621
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics

MUT 1001
Fundamentals Of Music

MUT 1111
Music Theory I

MUT 1112
Music Theory II

MUT 1241
Aural Theory I

MUT 1242
Aural Theory II

MUT 2116
Music Theory III

MUT 2117
Music Theory IV

MUT 2246
Aural Theory III

MUT 2247
Aural Theory IV

MUT 2341
Contemporary Music Theory I

MUT 2341L
Contemporary Ear Training I

MUT 2342
Contemporary Music Theory II