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Yolundra Whitehead

 Yolundra Whitehead
Tarpon Springs Campus
BB 159
Adjunct Faculty, Bach

"Even in the midst of our worst struggles, our forefathers knew that part of our advancement and growth began with a sound education." It is with this mindset that I walk in hopes of creating for myself and others, an ever-growing love of knowledge. I strongly believe in the power of education, it propels my daily ambition to give, recieve, and share knowledge as an Educator.

I love being an educator, I have been teaching for over ten years in both elementary and middle school classrooms. Subsequently, I have held many leadership roles, volunteered many hours, and even been named "Teacher of the Year" for my school site (2012 - 2013). 

My Educational Background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education (Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN) and a Masters Degree (Highest Honors) in Curriculum and Instruction (University of Tampa, Tampa, FL).