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Ms. Amy Smith

Ms. Amy Smith
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
SA 215-A
Adjunct Faculty

If you told me I would end up teaching math as my profession, I would have never believed you! Math has been a subject I have struggled with for most of my life, and I never appreciated it because I was continuously frustrated and confused in every class. I attended UCF directly after high school and, believe it or not, had to take College Algebra twice to pass with a C average.

Before my mathematical endeavor, I worked in the hospitality industry for about twelve years; I enjoyed my job, but I never felt passionate about it and wanted to pursue a career with more purpose. That is when I decided to become a teacher, and that is also when I decided to battle my worst subject, math. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but my goal was simple: help students (like me) learn math by making it fun, relatable, and as uncomplicated as possible. It was no easy task, and on many days I sat in the back of class entirely lost, but I am competitive by nature and wouldn’t allow myself to give up.

I spent hours at the library studying and practicing problems, and I had to watch YouTube videos over and over for tips and tricks to remember formulas. I finally graduated from SPC with a B.S. in Secondary Mathematics Education in 2015. After graduation, I taught high school at a local private school and attended UWF in the evenings, where I graduated with an M.S. in Mathematical Sciences in 2019.

I absolutely love my job and couldn’t imagine a career doing anything else. I get to help students reach their goals, I get to be enthusiastic and share my passion for math, and I am happier than ever to be teaching at the school that made this journey possible for me.

Outside of my math world, I have a small art company (@stpetefauxreal), and I attend local markets to sell my repurposed hand-painted signs. Painting, designing, repurposing, building, and anything crafty is equally a passion of mine, and unlike math, it comes naturally to me. I am native to St. Petersburg, FL, and was raised to appreciate all things outside: paddleboarding, hiking, camping, scalloping, and my ultimate favorite, fishing! (Is it tarpon season yet?) I have a cat named Diva (the name fits) who is the light of my life and often she tries to make her debut during LiveOnline classes. I am eager to earn my doctorate one day, and I find value in working hard to motivate others to be successful too.