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Susan Klaus Smith

 Susan Klaus Smith
Clearwater Campus
Instructor, Temporary Credit

Ms. KlausSmith holds a Masters of Architecture and a Bachelor of Design in Architecture, both from the University of Florida.  While completing her graduate studies, Ms. KlausSmith lived in residence at the Vicenza Institute: Architecture, researching material for her Masters Research Project sited in Padua, Italy, utilizing facilities at the University of Padua.

Ms. KlausSmith believes engagement of the senses is essential in the early years of architectural education and encourages her students to critically engage all materials and devices that they are asked to utilize within their makings, be it a drawing, a model or a piece of writing.  Assignments within the design studio and in the theory course require critical thinking, seeing, sensing and delineation, and a more synergetic understanding of their place within their campus, their city and the world as a whole as future designers of the built environment. 

Find out more about Ms. KlausSmith by following the link below: