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Mrs. Malena Buck, MS

Mrs. Malena Buck, MS
Seminole Campus
UP 195
Coord, StudentLife&Leadership
727) 394-6158

My educational philosophy is - learning is the foundation of character. I believe educating young minds creates and nurtures civility and morality. Teaching should always serve to inspire boundless curiosity, imagination, and the cultivation of culture. Once the passion for education has been passed from teacher to student-their lives are forever changed. It is their first step in the long journey towards greatness. I realize this and forever strive to inspire those I teach to seek that which is beyond their reach. 

"To him whose vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning."
                                                                                                    -- Henry David Thoreau
"The future belongs to those who believe in the power of their dreams. "     
                                                                                                -- Eleanor Roosevelt