Faculty |
Department |
Campus |
LaGrande, Louis | Social Science | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Laguna, Jason | Social & Behavioral Science | SPC Downtown |
Lajoie, Mary | Mathematics | Seminole Campus |
Lake, Ashley - | College of Health Sciences | Health Education Center |
Lambert, David | College of Business | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Lambert, Tracy | College of Business | EpiCenter |
Lameyer, Matthew | Early College/Dual Enrollment/Early Admissions | Seminole Campus |
Lamm, Aslene | Respiratory Care | Health Education Center |
Langiotti, Bernadette | Early College/Dual Enrollment/Early Admissions | Seminole Campus |
Lanham, Valerie | Communications | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Lanuqueitte, Veronique | Mathematics | Clearwater Campus |
Largent, Lindsay | Physical Therapist Asst | Health Education Center |
Larson, Kristopher | Social & Behavioral Science | SPC Downtown |
Lashbrook, Michael | Early College/Dual Enrollment/Early Admissions | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Lashley, Jennifer | Mathematics | Seminole Campus |
Lassiter, Vonet | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Lauman, Deborah | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Lawrence, Jennifer | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Leavitt, Kimberly | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Lentz, Savanna | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Leo, Steve | Communications | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Leonard, Lisa | Learning Resources - New Initiative Program | Health Education Center |
Leopold, Joseph | Communications | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Lepak, Casey | College of Business | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
LeviAland, Sheila | Humanities and Fine Arts | Clearwater Campus |
Levin, Roxana | Communications - Foreign Language | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Lewellyn, Stephen | Paralegal Studies | Clearwater Campus |
Lewis, Greg | Engineering Technology | Clearwater Campus |
Lewis, Zachary - | College of Computer and Information Technology | SPC Midtown |
Liebert, David | Social & Behavioral Science | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Liebman, Simeon | Humanities and Fine Arts | Seminole Campus |
Lightfoot, Randy | Social Science | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Lin, Katherine | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Linardos, Lindsay | Natural Science | SPC Downtown |
Lindemann, Monica - | Ethics | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Lindmeier, Connie | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Liswith, Audra | College of Computer and Information Technology | Clearwater Campus |
Llanes-Bonilla, July | College of Business | EpiCenter |
Loghry, Bonnie | Veterinary Technology | Seminole Campus |
Long, Christine | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Long, John | College of Computer and Information Technology | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Long, Tony | Mathematics | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Lopez, Sarah | College of Computer and Information Technology | Clearwater Campus |
Lopez, Tania - | Natural Science | SPC Downtown |
Loureiro, Roberto | Social & Behavioral Science | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Lovelady, Douglas | Early College/Dual Enrollment/Early Admissions | Seminole Campus |
Lovelady-Alfonso, Elizabeth | Communications - Foreign Language | Seminole Campus |
Lovell, Cindy | College of Education | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Ludwick, Keith | Ethics | St. Pete/Gibbs Campus |
Lynford, Elyse | College of Nursing | Health Education Center |
Lyttle-Bryant, Libby | Veterinary Technology | Seminole Campus |