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Ms. Peggy Wise, MA

Ms. Peggy Wise, MA
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
LA 110
Adjunct Faculty
(727) 341-4743

                                                                                                    PEGGY WISE                                                                  12006 104th Court                                                                               330-524-3544                          
                                                                                               Seminole, FL  33778

Teaching/Academic Experiences

The University of South Florida (8/2008-present) – online as well as face-to-face
• Adjunct Instructor, Composition I and II –participating in University’s innovative approach of combining  technology with academic composition and research, e.g., e-portfolio, student discussion boards, Elluminate, Smartboard, Wiki communication, etc.

St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg, FL (Dual Enrollment ) (12/2004-present)
• Adjunct Instructor of Composition I and Composition II, assist students in developing their critical thinking, written and verbal communication and research skills as well as to reinforce academic writing conventions.
At St. Petersburg High School, I have helped students adapt to the use of technology in the higher education environment by presenting the course information in a hybrid format of face-to-face and computerized instruction.

• SAT Preparation Workshop Instructor (CollegeBoards Sytem)

St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg, FL (7/2004-present)

• Dual-Enrollment Instructor at SPHS campus

Composition I (essay) and Composition II (literature survey) to high school juniors and seniors whose academic performance has qualified them to matriculate to college level studies. (2006-present/2 semesters)

Greek and Roman Mythology- This 3-credit hour course focuses on Greek and Roman epic literature, drama, and civilization (2010-present/ 1 semester)

College Readiness - In this 3- credit hour course students conduct career and college exploration, complete college and scholarship applications, and learn proven strategies for college success (2010-present/ 1 semester)

• AP English Language Composition (2009-present)
Assist students in developing their critical and analytical reading and writing skills relying on rhetorical strategies
• Read180 Teacher, earning my reading certification and additional training from Scholastic Books, qualifies me to work with high school students (grades 9-12) whose below-grade level reading skills interfere with their academic success.  Conduct assessment, design individual reading fluency and comprehension assignments, and monitor student improvement as well as need for any additional intervention (2004-2007)

The University of Akron, Akron, OH (1986-2004, part-time)
• Lecturer III, English Department, Taught Specialized Writing to college juniors majoring in business with a focus on contemporary oral and written communication and research practices in business

Kent State University, Kent, OH and Warren, OH Branch (1984-1986)
•   Part-Time Instructor, English Department, Because of my experience in real-world business, I was                    approached by the Department to earn my Business Communications Certification.) I between the main campus and the Warren Branch, I taught 5 classes of Business Communications each semester

Education/Professional Certifications/Endorsement
• University of South Florida, 2008-present – coursework in Educational Technology
• Master of Arts, English, Kent State University (KSU), 1984
• Bachelor of Arts (dual major), English and Classical Humanities, KSU 1982
• Bachelor of Science in Education, KSU, 1986 – certified in Ohio and Florida
       to teach Language Arts 7-12
• ESOL Endorsement K-12, 2008
• ESE Endorsement K-12, 2008
• State of Florida Reading Endorsement K-12, 2007
• Testing of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Certification
• Certified by KSU to College Business as well as Technical Writing