Dr. Patricia Williams
Release Your Brilliance!
“Releasing your brilliance means releasing the genius within you. It’s living from the inside out-finding your inner light and letting it shine for the whole world to see. It’s discovering and leveraging your unique talents and your pure, intuitive intelligence.“-Simon T. Bailey
Hello Students I am Dr. Patricia Williams one of my favorite quotes is above by Simon T. Bailey. I believe every student is brilliant! my call as an educator is to help you unwrap your gift.
I am a native of St, Petersburg, Florida. I am a proud graduate of St. Petersburg College and received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Special Education with a focus in Behavior Disorders from The University of South Florida. I received my Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction and obtained my Doctor of Education degree in Instructional Leadership from the University of Sarasota. I am certified K-12 in Varying Exceptionalities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotionally Handicapped, and Severely Emotionally Disturbed.
I have been an educator for over 30 years. I have enjoyed teaching both general and exceptional education. Currently I am employed with Pinellas County Schools in the Educational Alternative Services department. As a member of the EAS team, I have the honor of serving both teachers and students by providing support to educators with students experiencing homelessness. This includes collaborating with district, school, and community personnel to build their capacity for educating students experiencing homelessness. In addition, I am responsible for providing job-embedded Professional Development for teachers, school personnel, student leaders, parents, and community agencies. My practice includes; assessing student academic/behavioral needs, advising, developing action plans, and monitoring success toward graduation. This is achieved through consultation, training, mentoring, providing support, and collaboration.
My previous roles include; K-12 Exceptional Education Teacher, Teacher Mentor, Senior Human Resource Specialist, Dropout Prevention Specialist, and Graduation Specialist. These wonderful opportunities have given me teaching experience, curriculum design, professional development, and adult learning. Pinellas County Schools has acknowledged me as a highly effective educator
I will never forget the great experiences I had as a student at St. Petersburg College. I am excited about joining the very institution which prepared me for my own professional career.
I look forward to serving students in the Human Services program and the opportunity to pay it forward.