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Dr. Elizabeth Visedo, Ph.D.

Dr. Elizabeth Visedo, Ph.D.
Tarpon Springs Campus
BB 105
Adjunct Faculty

Elizabeth Visedo, Ph.D.


Doctor of Philosophy in Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology
Awarded by College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Florida, Tampa, on 08/10/2013. Dissertation: From Limited-English Proficient to Educator: Perspectives on Three Spanish-English Biliteracy Experiences. GPA: 4.00

B.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Awarded by Instituto Nacional de Profesorado en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández,” Argentina, on 12/19/1985. Transcripts validated as a B.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with 129.5 credit hours in 2003.


Educational Research Consultant and Editor, My APA Editor, 10/18/2014-present
My APA Editor is my online company offering research consulting and editing services for doctoral students and faculty; 

Scorer and Scorer Supervisor, Pearson Assessments EdTPA-EAL, 08/11/2014-present
Score pre-service teacher planning, instruction, and assessment portfolios for the Pearson EdTPA-EAL Project. NCSPearson; 5601 Green Valley Drive; Bloomington, MN 55437. Supervisor: Ann Navarro;  Website:

ESOL Adjunct Instructor, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, 12/22/2015-05/13/2016
Teach graduate and undergraduate courses online (TSL5086/5085/4081/4434) for the teacher education and master’s programs in the College of Education; design and deliver online tutorials; supervise early and late field experiences; assess submissions for ESOL portfolio, and manage accreditation requirements. Supervisor: Dr. Pat Wilson, Interim Dean & Associate Professor, College of Education;

English for Academic Purposes Adjunct, St. Petersburg College Tarpon Springs, 08/22-12/18/2015
Teach academic writing, reading, grammar, and vocabulary to intermediate English learners. Supervisor: Dr. Laura Smith, Chair Communications Dept.; 727-712-5795

English for Academic Purposes Adjunct, St. Petersburg College Clearwater, 01/12-05/08/2015
Teach academic speaking and listening to intermediate English learners. Supervisor: Dr. Shirley Oakley, Chair Communications Dept.;  727-791-5904

ESOL Adjunct Instructor, University of South Florida Tampa, 05/07-08/06/2014
Teach a graduate course online (TSL5085) for master’s and specialist’s programs in the College of Education; design and deliver online tutorials; supervise field experiences; give feedback for and grade students' work; and assess submissions for ESOL portfolio. 4202 E. Fowler Ave.; Tampa, FL 33620. Supervisor: Dr. Phil Smith; 813-974-1113

Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, Saint Leo University, 08/16/2013-05/15/2014
Teach 8 courses per academic year, on campus and online, to traditional and non-traditional students; advise students; assess, assist, and support adjunct ESOL faculty members; engage in curriculum development; collaborate with associate dean, chair, and colleagues on program accreditation efforts; demonstrate professional development; use instructional technology; and support recruiting efforts. I completed and submitted the ESOL matrices required by the FL-DOE for program accreditation and designed and delivered professional development series for faculty teaching ESOL-infused courses. Supervisor: Dr. Candace Roberts, Chair of Education

Graduate Associate, University of South Florida Tampa, 08/2008-08/2013. As follows:

ESOL Instructor, College of Education. Teach undergraduate online courses; design and deliver online tutorials; supervise field experiences, give feedback for and grade students' work; assess submissions for ESOL portfolio and certification.

ESOL Officer, College of Education, University of South Florida. Duties: Administrative functions in the ESOL Office, such as clearing students ESOL requirements for graduation, and managing ESOL accreditation of faculty teaching ESOL-infused courses.

Research Assistant, Institute for Instructional Research and Practice – Institute for At-Risk Infants, Children, Youths, and their Families; College of Education. Spring 09-Summer 10.

Lab Assistant, English Language Institute; World Languages Dept., College of Arts and Science. Summer 2009.

Editorial Assistant, Journal of Reading Education, College of Education. Spring and summer 2009.

Teaching Assistant, College of Education. Design Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching ESOL (graduate online course) for the TESOL MEd Program. Spring 2009.

Spanish II Instructor, World Languages Dept., College of Arts and Sciences. Teach blended course Fall 2008.

ESOL Specialist and Teacher Assistant Bilingual, Bret Harte Elementary Sacramento, CA. 08/2003-12/2004
Teach and assess English-language learners.


English as a Foreign Language Teacher Trainer and Instructor, New Lincoln School Necochea. 03/1990-12/2001.
Teacher of English as a Foreign Language at elementary and secondary schools. 03/1984-12/2001.

Language School Director at English Language Programmes Institute (1997-2000) and at Interact Language Institute Buenos Aires. 03/1985-04/1990

Tenured Professor of Technical English, Professional English, and Business English at Teacher Training College # 31, Río Quequen University, and Carlos Pellegrini Higher School of Commerce, University of Buenos Aires. 04/1986-12/1999

Assistant Professor of English Grammar, Phonetics, and Diction at Saint Thomas Teacher Training College, Olivos, Buenos Aires. 03/1984-12/1985


Book segments
Vázquez, A., Hansen, A.L., & Smith, P.C. (2013). Teaching language arts to English language learners (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
          Routledge. (First edition, 2010.)

Visedo, E. (1986). British civilization for Spanish-speaking students - Vol. 1: Life in the British Isles. Vicente López, Argentina: Colegio
          Nacional de Vicente López. (Registered in Argentina #1400354. 2nd edition in 1988.)
Visedo, E. (1986). British civilization for Spanish-speaking students - Vol. 2: History of the British Isles. Vicente López, Argentina: Colegio
          Nacional  de Vicente López. (Registered in Arg. #86770. 2nd edition in 1988.)

Cuadernillos (booklets).
Visedo, E. (2000). Aprender inglés: una tarea posible. Cuadernillos para alumnos. (Learning English: A possible task.) La Plata,
          Argentina: Dirección General de Cultura y Educación, Provincia de Buenos Aires.


2010- 2007  Dean Leslie Robbins Excellence Scholarship, University of South Florida (four consecutive years)

2007   Graduate Fellowship, University of South Florida (one year)

1989-1988  UBA-FLACSO Research Scholarship, Universidad de Buenos Aires and FLACSO (University for the Study of the Social Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean, two consecutive years)


2016. Critical Pedagogy in ESOL Research: Three Journeys from LEP to Educators. Sunshine State TESOL Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida, May 12.
2015. Ollman’s dialectical method in a critical-pedagogy study. Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 22.
2015. An introspection boost through Skype phone interviews. Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 22.
2015.  An instance of critical pedagogy as a qualitative inquiry tool. Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 21.
2015. Extreme member check for augmented focus on participants’ voice and agency. Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, May 21.
2014. Hope, Praxis, and Dialogue: Three Latino Perspectives of American Education. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. April 5.

2013.  e-Methods in qualitative research. Second USF College of Education Tech Summit, University of South Florida. April, 19. With Drs. Valerie Janesick and Dustin DeFelice.

2012.  ESOL research: Using online tools exclusively. USF College of Education TechSummit, University of South Florida, April 27.
2009.  Teachers’ humor-infused practices in five adult ESL classrooms. 2nd Annual Graduate Research Symposium, University of South Florida, October 8.

2010.  Free tech-tools for writers: Self-access tutorials. TESOL Convention, Boston, MA, March 26. 
2009.  Integrating free software in foreign language classes. FFLA Conference, St. Augustine, FL, October 15. (Pre-conference workshop.)


English-learner and immigrant-student empowerment, humor as a pedagogical tool, teacher education

Principal Investigator
2013.  From limited-English-proficient to educator: Perspectives on three Spanish-English biliteracy journeys. Retrievable from
2011.  Humor-infused teacher practices in five adult ESL classrooms.

Research-Team Member
2013. A case study of peer review practices of four adolescent English language learners in face-to-face and online contexts. P.I. Dr. Oksana Vorobel. Retrievable from
2012. A phenomenological study of teaching endangered languages online: Perspectives from Nahua and Mayan educators. P.I. Dr. Dustin De Felice. Retrievable from
2009-2010. Research assistant to P.I. Drs. J. V. Carlson, and P. Noriega (literature reviews and data collection for several IIRP studies), University of South Florida.
1997-2000. Research assistant to P.I. Dr. Carina Lion, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
1988-1989. Research assistant to P.I. Dr. Silvia Llomovate, University of Buenos Aires/FLACSO, Argentina
1984-1986. El proyecto de normalización democrática en el nivel nacional terciario (The democratic normalization project for higher education). P.I. Lic. Catalina Nosiglia and Lic. Maria Rosello. National Ministry of Education, Argentina.


Learning platforms.  Blackboard, Canvas, D2L (MyCourses), e-College, LearningStudio
Web. Web-based courses, e-learning, Articulate, wikis, blogs, podcasts, web-based tools, cloud
Other. CALL; Office Suite, Adobe Professional, PhotoShop, Audacity, Elluminate, EndNote, SAS, SPSS, ATLAS-ti, N-Vivo, MovieMaker, FreeMind, CallGraph, Scribe, Captivate, Collaborate

Spanish (native); English (near native); Portuguese (advanced); Italian (intermediate); Danish (elementary); Catalan (elementary); French (elementary)


AERA - American Educational Research Association
FLSST - Sunshine State TESOL Advocacy e-Forum
LULAC - League of United Latin American Citizens
SSTESOL - Sunshine State TESOL
TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.


University of South Florida – Tampa and Sarasota -Manatee (3 credit hours)
FLE 6167 Cross-Cultural Issues in Teaching ESOL
FLE 5366 ESOL Competencies in Content Areas
TSL 5471 ESOL Assessment
TSL 5430 ESOL I Theory and Practice of Teaching ELLs
TSL 5372 ESOL Curriculum and Instruction
TSL 5371 Methods of TESOL
TSL 5325 ESOL Education in Content Areas
TSL 5325 ESOL Strategies for Content Area Teachers
TSL 5241 ESOL III Language Principles, Acquisition,and Assessment for English Language Learners  TSL 5086 ESOL II: Second Language and Literacy Acquisition in Children and Adolescents.
TSL 5085 ESOL I: Theory and Practice for Teaching English Language Learners
TSL 4344 Foundations of TESOL
TSL 4240 Applied Linguistics
TSL 4081 Literacy Development in ELLs
TSL 4080 Curriculum and Pedagogy of ESOL
SPN 3441 Spanish for Business & International Trade II
SPN 2341 Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers II
Saint Leo University (3 credit hours)
EDU 342 ESOL Applications
EDU 341 ESOL Foundations Cross-Cultural Communication & Applied Linguistics  EDU 340 Comprehensive ESOL Strategies
EDU 222 Teaching Diverse Populations

St. Petersburg College
EAP 0495 Intermediate Reading, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Writing (9)
EAP 0400 Intermediate Speaking and Listening II (3)


Guest Lecturer at Alternative Treatment International, Clearwater, FL
Yoga instructor at Dharma Wheel Meditation Society, Clearwater, FL
Teacher of ESL and Adult Student Counselor at Community Learning Center, Sacramento, CA

Concerts, opera; swimming, walking, meditation, yoga, singing tango, dancing salsa; fiction/poetry writing; Skype with friends, gardening, crocheting, playing with my pets: Pippo, the cat; Tatto, the cockatiel; and Chloe, the Shih-Tzu.