Brian Turnbull

Brian currently teaches American Government at St. Petersburg University and Comparative Politics at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee. Previously, he conducted fieldwork in India on a Fulbright-Nehru fellowship from 2016-17 for his book manuscript entitled “Women Who Only Serve Chai: Gender Reservations and Autonomy in India”, which it is based on qualitative interviews with city councilors in Jaipur, India and explores the challenges to establishing equal representation for women within a patriarchal society. His research focuses on the politics of under-represented groups in South Asia, contributing to our understanding of the interaction between gender and electoral institutions. He is currently developing a book manuscript based on his dissertation, and is working on several projects analyzing party nominations of women at the local level in India, the ability of gender quotas to create both a foundation and a ceiling for women politicians, and the challenges to conducting feminist fieldwork in India. He has published pee-reviewed work on conducting fieldwork in the developing world with Qualitative Research, and co-authore work with Sammy Badran on contemporary temporary marriages in the Journal of International Women’s Studies. He received his MA in security studies from Georgetown University in 2011, with specialization in intelligence and Central Asia. He and his wife live in Tampa and enjoy sailing Tampa Bay.