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Mr. Franklin Smith

Mr. Franklin Smith
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
VP 727-308-7573

I'm a West Virginia native who lost his hearing at the age of 2. From a young age I communicated mostly thru lip reading. It wasn't until my college years that I became immersed in the Deaf world and fluent in ASL. It was then that I found my identity. Today, I consider myself a part of the Deaf community.
I believe I am a dynamic professional with a unique background of more than 10 years teaching ASL and working with Deaf students providing mentoring, advocating, coaching, and career development training and job readiness among other skills.
I hold a BFA degree in Graphic Design and a Masters degree in Human Resources Development from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
I received several awards in recognition of my exceptional work in the community. I was the  recipient of the Juvenile Welfare Board- Pinellas County Cooperman Bogues KidFirst award and Communication Access Inc. Volunteer of the year.
I am currently an ASL Professor at the St Petersburg College.  I am a Vice-president of It's a Deaf Thing/ProjectDEAF (non-profit organization).  I loves baking, bowling and making a difference in his community.