James Ralph
B.M. Professional Music, Berklee College of Music
B.A. Computer Information Systems, University of Notre Dame of Maryland
M.A. Instructional Design & Technology, UCF
CDF Career Development Facilitator
Honors Advisor
Triad Leader- Technology
SPC Adjunct Faculty
Career and Academic Communities:
Health Sciences & Veterinary Technology
Public Safety, Policy, & Legal Studies
Philosophy- I enjoy hands on instruction and relating course work to real world scenarios. I prefer face to face instruction, but enjoy the challenges of online teaching. I enjoy the look on my students faces at the end of the semester when they have acquired new knowledge.
I have lived and worked in Baltimore MD, Washington DC, Boston MA, Los Angeles CA and Tampa FL.
Initiatives - Tarpon Springs web refresh, Honors Council member, My Learning Plan committee member, Five by 180 reports to President, Career & Academic Communities Triad Leader, A&SA People Soft Committee Member.
Presidential Commendation- computer donation projects.