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Mr. Thomas Murphy

Mr. Thomas Murphy
EpiCenter  |  Directions & Campus Map
TE 305
Adjunct Faculty, Bach
(727) 341-3744

Tom Murphy is an adjunct instructor for the College of Business at St. Petersburg College.  For the past 10 years, Tom has taught Personal Finance (FIN1100), Financial Accounting (ACG2021), and Managerial Accounting (ACG2071) at SPC.  Tom retired from AT&T in July 2020 as a Senior Business Manager after a 32 year career in information technology and global network outsourcing.  Tom is a graduate of Cornell University (B.S. - Business Management and Applied Economics) and the Crummer School of Business at Rollins College (MBA - Finance). Tom is the former president of the Cornell Club of the Suncoast (2004-2015), president of the Crummer Alumni Tampa Bay City Club (2010-2020), and is an active Toastmaster in St. Petersburg, FL. Tom enjoys golf, saltwater fishing, basketball, beach volleyball, and spending time with his family.