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Nathan Muehl

 Nathan Muehl
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
HS 118
Associate Dean
(727) 341-4325

My personal mission statement is to "live a life of integrity that is balanced between my roles as a husband, a musician, and a teacher."

With that in mind, I strive to bring the following to my classroom and presentations.

  • High Energy – originating from passion and excitement for the subject matter and material.
  • Preparedness – knowing content, and having a plan for scope and sequence.
  • Being a good listener – seeking first to understand, then to be understood.
  • Continual Improvement – learning from others, and always seeking to better presentation.


I view formal leadership roles as calls to service rather than positions to be attained.  I do not seek out leadership titles, but I do aspire to be ready should the need arise.  I believe in promoting empowerment (having peace of mind and feeling in control), collegiality (respectfully engaging with others), and creative problem solving (collectively finding solutions).

I am a fan of voluntary regular check-ins with my students and my colleagues.  For students, these scheduled “how are things going” sessions have allowed for regular positive conversation, deepening understanding, and they tend to solve future problems before they ever become problems.  They are not required, but I extend the invitation of regular one on one check-ins to any students or colleagues that would like to partake.

A final personal tenet I would like to share is the Stephen Covey lesson to “be loyal to those who are absent.” I strive to be true to this every day, and it means I will not speak ill of people that are not present.  If issues arise, I will summon the courage to address people directly in a manner that seeks first to understand the situation at hand with opportunity for clarification.



Professor Nathan Muehl graduated Summa Cum Laude from The Ohio State University (Colmbus, OH) earning a Bachelor Degree of Music Education with a minor in Business.  A Theodore Presser Scholar, Muehl was awarded an Ohio State University Fellowship and completed a Master of Music Degree in Conducting.  Muehl studied conducting with Dr. Russel Mikkelson, Mr. Richard Blatti, Mr. Marshall Haddock, and Dr. Hilary Apfelstdat.  He has received insightful instruction and positive critiques at conducting master classes from H. Robert Reynolds, Craig Kirchhoff, Tim Reynish,  David Effron, George Stelluto, Virginia Allen, Gary Hill, Kate Tamarkin, Roderick Macdonald,  as well as several officers of the United States Air Force Bands. Muehl has participated in conducting symposiums with members of the Gewandhaus Orchestra (Leipzig), College Conservatory of Music (University of Cincinnati),  and professors and students of The Juilliard School (NY,NY).

Muehl is a PhD candidate in Leadership and Education at Barry University (Miami, FL).

Mr. Muehl is an accomplished flutist having studied with Katherine Borst Jones, Diane Gilley, and performed in several master classes for William Bennet, Michael Lynn, Nancy Hadden, Kyril Magg, and Michel Debost.  His arrangements have been performed at the National Flute Association Convention and the Central Ohio Flute Association Convention.  Muehl’s professional affiliations include MENC, WVMEA, OMEA, Conductors Guild, American String Teachers Association, and the National Flute Association.

Prior to his appointment at SPC, Mr. Muehl taught instrumental studies at Alderson-Broaddus College. His primary responsibilities included conducting the Concert Band, Woodwind Ensemble, and teaching Music Technology and Music Education courses.

Muehl has served as a Director of High School Music in Ohio.  In addition to teaching Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Choir, he founded a Community Wind Ensemble and created Intro to Guitar and Advanced Guitar courses.  Muehl also has experience teaching string students through the Jefferson Academy in Columbus, Ohio.

Further information is available at
