Campus | Tarpon Springs Campus |
Location | LY 243 |
Title | Faculty |
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Phone | 727-302-6437 |
Growing up in the Greek community in Tarpon Springs, I became fascinated with my own past. As I explored my culture as a student at St. Petersburg Junior College, I became excited about not only my cultural history but just culture in general. Studying art, philosophy, literature, history, and religion led me to Florida State University to pursue degrees in the Classics, and eventually a Master's in Humanities. My growing passion for these subjects led me to travel in Italy, Greece, Scotland, and France to see the inspirations of great people past and to even work on archaeological digs.
As time has passed and the more years I teach, I find myself learning more about other cultures and my interests even started to expand. For example, I have been studying some traditional Chinese martial arts with a particular focus on basic forms and how they influence the balance of the body, the flow of qi (or energy), the influence of the breath (Qi Gong), and Chinese medicine.
Currently I am getting more focused on the Study Abroad and Honors programs here at SPC. The picture above is of the Nike of Samothrace in the Louvre Museum in Paris from a Study Abroad Trip in 2014, just from a different angle.
In May 2024 I lead a Study Abroad trip to Greece in cooperation with the City of Tarpon Springs Sister City program and we attended a twinning ceremony that began the official association between Tarpon Springs and the island of Aegina. See the Study Abroad at SPC page for more details on any upcoming journeys.
My advice to everyone is to follow your passions and let them lead you to the satisfaction of a rewarding life.