Darcy Morgan, RN, MSN

I am a late in life nurse! At 30 I decided I wanted to be a nurse and attended SPC for my ADN. I graduated in 1993 from SPC. I continued my education at USF for my Bachelor's and also have 2 Master's in Nursing plus 30 credits towards my Doctorate. Once I re-entered the academic arena, I was hooked and spent the next 15 years in school furthering my education. I have been employed full time as a Psychiatric Nurse and or Psychiatric Nursing Supervisor since my graduation. In 2000, I was ready for a change and applied for a part time position at SPC. I worked in the skills lab part time for 5 years and in 2005 became the Skills Lab Manager. After 3 years, I accepted a full time Faculty position at SPC and have taught Level 1, Level 3, and Psychosocial Nursing. Most of my teaching experience has been in Psychosocial Nursing and is my specialty. I have also taught Psychosocial Nursing for FIU in their Foreign Physicians to BSN Nursing Program for 2 different cohorts.
I love what I do and really enjoy working with all students. My mission is their success! I truly enjoy seeing students achieve their dreams and feel honored to be a part of their journey:)
On a personal note-I am married 42 years to an amazing man and have 3 beautiful daughters, 2 grandsons, and a new granddaughter! We are empty nested and really enjoying life! We love travel and visiting our children who live near and far.
As your instructor, I will:
· Log into this course throughout the semester, every work day from the first day of the course through the last day of the course.
· Provide you with updates via Course Mail, Calendar entries, or Announcements as needed
· Respond to all course mail and voice mail messages within 24 hours Monday through Friday and within 48 hours during the weekend.
Note! Although I will try to check the course on the weekend, this is not a guarantee.
· Notify you in advance if I will be out of contact for more than two days.
· Have your assignments and exams graded within 7 business days of the due date.
· Calculate and enter your grade for this course before the submission deadline so you can view your final grade the next day.
My cell phone # 727-410-0936
My email address: morgan.darcy@spcollege.edu
OK to call, text or email me between hours of 8am and 5pm.
Thank you!
Mrs. Morgan