Dr. James Lin

Born an islander in a multi-cultural and multi-linqual island. My childhood dream was like a frog in the well dreaming to leap out of the well to discover the world, My first out of the island life was to study for my BA degree in Psychology and Th,L degree in Theology from colleges in Rhode Island and Melbourne, Australia, respectively. With granted scholarships I continued to study for my Ed.M in Counseling Psychology and Ph.D. in Clinical / Corporate Psychology from Boston University and Oklahoma University, respectively. As addicted to study, I have also continued to study for post graduate certitificates in Marital Counseling, Human Sexuality, Pain Management, Hypnotherapy, Biofeedback, Stress Management, and Cross-Cultural Psyshology. After obtaining all these tools, I worked in Psychiatric hospital, community clinics and even opened my own clinic for total of 35 years of helping people of all walks of life, After I retired from the clinical works, I renvented myself for doing corporate consultations in USA and Asia. After living in Singapore, and working in Indonesia, Malysia, Thailand,Taiwan and China for 10 years I returned to US and statarted lecturing in PHSC, St, Leo University and now in SPC, Clearwater and Tarpon Springs. It has been fun in mentoring the future young leaders of our country. My psycology courses are designed to help students not only to study psychology as new knowledge but most importantly to teach them how to apply learned psychology to their real life experience. Before learning to become good student, worker, parent and citizen, one must first learn to become good person. Being a good person is the building block for building all the good and successful future life. My teaching style (teach by Mentoring) and students' learning style (learn by Applying) are found in the syllabus. Education should be a fun life changing experience and a powerful personal transformation. Success in classroom will ensure success in life out of classroom. My students' successes are my rewards.
As a cross cultural psychlogist, global traveling was and still is my passionate way of learning on this planet. Experiencing cultural diversity, and empathizing with people of different languages, traditions, faiths, foods and behaviors in most of the European, Asian (China, Japan, south seas), African, North and South Americas, Caribbeans, Pacific islands, Baltic countries and 50 states of USA are my priceless learning experriences. I came back from each travel with much new learned life experiences and mindset about our planet which is the ultimate learning classroom. My life motto is ' Dare to be different to make a difference' and to echo Mark Twain's words 'Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness'. Only ignorance and fear can keep us away from living in peace, but education and love will embrace us all in the Yin-Yang universal peace and harmony.
Lastly, I like to think that humanity is my citizenship, love is my religion, mentoring is my profession and compassion and empathy are in my nature. In addition to my global traveling, my islanders lifestyle is embracing the nature (sailing, scuba, surfing, aviation, painting, gardening and martial arts training for my physical fitness and playing chess for my mental empowerment.