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Dr. Laurie King

Dr. Laurie King
St. Pete/Gibbs Campus
EI 127
Adjunct Faculty, Bach
(727) 394-6035

Your best friend tries on a new outfit, and asks you if you like it?  In reality, the color is awful, and it isn't very flattering.  But, you also don't want to hurt their feelings?  Is it more ethical to tell a white lie to be kind?  Or is it more ethical to risk hurting your friend's feelings, but tell them the truth?  

You are excited to go on a job interview for your dream job!  Everything is going great during the interview, but then the prospective employer asks you to show her all of your social media content so she can review what you have posted in the last few months.  You know there is nothing on there that is bad, but you also feel that what you do on your own time is your business, and not the business of your employer.  What's the right thing do do?   Will they continue to want to monitor your social media?  What are the legal and ethical implications?

These situations are just a couple of the many ethical and legal issues we explore in my classes.  What do you think the "right" answers are?  Does it "depend" on the situation?  Or, are there "right" answers regardless of the situation?  Sign up for one of my classes, and join the discussion!

A little information about Dr. King:

I earned my J.D. from the University of Missouri - Kansas City.  I practiced law for approximately 10 years, and then decided to switch the main focus of my career to teaching.  I have taught various levels of Economics and Government, Currently,  I teach Applied Ethics, Business Law, Business Ethics, and Public Policy & Ethics.  I love teaching, and hope to engage each and every student in active thinking and discussions regarding Ethics and the law.

Regarding PHI 1600 - Applied Ethics:  You must have The Moral Compass: An Introductory Guide to Critical Thinking and Applied Ethics
Manias, Nicholas and Dave Monroe. The Moral Compass: An Introductory Guide to Critical Thinking and Applied Ethics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2022.
IA Billing ISBN:

LSC (SAINT PETERSBURG COLLEGE-CLEARWATER) PHI 1600: B&N BILLING CUSTOM CONNECT CCS ECOMM The Moral Compass: An Introductory Guide to Critical Thinking and Applied Ethics 180 days access ENTRP