Dr. Melissa Coakley
Melissa Coakley started college at Franklin Pierce University in NH as a music/political science major. After fighting the cold weather in New England (at the foot of Mt. Monadnock!) for a few years she moved to Tampa and studied at the University of South Florida. She completed her graduate studies and received her doctorate in Philosophy from USF. Professor Coakley has taught ethics, logic, and philosophy courses in the Tampa area since 2010. Prior to teaching, Dr. Coakley worked at a local publishing company as a Paid Search Analyst.
Dr. Coakley has also completed an MBA certificate from Tulane University and is certified (through the Institute of Critical Thinking) in the practice of Logic Based Therapy.
Professor Coakley is an avid naturalist and field herper. She spends her free time studying and working with reptiles and amphibians. She's always up for a hike in one of Florida's beautiful parks. In addition, she enjoys traveling around the USA and visiting places in Central and South America to look for different species in the wild.
Melissa is also a long time member of the Tampa Bay Fossil Club and occassionally takes part in fossil digs with the University of Florida.
Professor Coakley says her best advice, which was given to her by an old friend, is to go to the library and get a book you would not normally read.
Dr. Coakley is the current faculty advisor for the Clearwater Ethics in Action Club. New members are always welcome!
Please be sure to contact Professor Coakley via email or office phone: