Professor Chapman served as an Instructor, Assistant, and then Associate Professor in Mathematics and Statistics at Owens Technical College until 1986. He currently holds the position of Full Professor in Mathematics at Saint Petersburg College, Tarpon Springs Campus, Tarpon Springs, Florida. He has consulted and worked in Applied Statistics since 1982 and as president of the KLC Group Inc. has spearheaded and directed projects throughout the United States, Germany, Austria, Poland, United Kingdom, Spain, Canada, Australia, Columbia, Mexico, Venezuela, Portugal and Puerto Rico.
A partial list of Prof. Chapman's clients includes:
Beverage Canners International Corporation (USA - soft drink/juice bottlers),
· Barbosa and Almeida S.A. (Portugal - glass containers/wine industry).
· Brunswick Container Inc. (USA - PET containers),
· Toledo Pickling and Steel (USA - steel treatment),
· Toledo Blank (USA - steel fabrication),
· Owens/Brockway Glass Container, Inc. (USA - glass containers),
· Brockway Central Mold Shop (USA - mold manufacturing),
· Owens/Brockway Kimble, Inc. (USA - pharmaceutical glass products),
· Owens - Illinois de Venezuela (glass containers, closures),
· Peldar S.A. (Colombia - flat glass/glass container),
· Libbey Glass (USA - consumer glass),
· Libbey Owens Ford (USA - automotive glass),
· Owens Illinois Plastics and Closure Inc. (USA, Puerto Rico - injection and blow molding),
· Delos M. Palmer & Associates (USA - dynamics research and development),
· Ford Motor Company (USA - automotive sub-assemblies),
· Unique Mould Makers Ltd. (Canada - injection mould manufacturing),
· ACI (Australia - glass containers),
· Vitro Envases S.A. (Mexico - glass and plastic products),
· Comar Inc. (USA - medical devices)
· City of Dunedin, Florida, Water Division ( SFWMD well field analysis)
Prof. Chapman's responsibilities include all aspects of applied statistics and quality assurance as well as quality audits, developing and installing Statistical Process Control and Statistical Quality Control management plans and acceptance sampling plans. It is this wealth of teaching, practical, and professional experience that Prof. Chapman brings to his student's classroom experience.
On March 4, 2002 a close family friend of Prof. Chapman's was slain in Afghanistan. Marc Anderson was a middle school mathematics teacher before joining the Army and in fact he named as the benefactor of his US Army life insurance policy a scholarship trust set up to assist one of his middle school students to attend her University of choice. Marc's generosity allowed her to graduate with a degree in Architecture from The University of Florida.
In the spirit of Marc's gift and in memory of his friend, Prof. Chapman, working with the St. Petersburg College Foundation and with the Anderson family established the Specialist Marc A. Anderson, United States Army Ranger Fallen Soldier Memorial Scholarship Award. The first scholarship was awarded in October, 2002. As of this writing sixteen scholarships have been awarded in honor of Marc to help deserving talented students at St. Petersburg College achieve their dreams of a better life through academic enrichment.