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Dr Terah Browning

Dr Terah Browning
Seminole Campus
VT 115
Adjunct Faculty

I was born and raised in Southern Illinois.   At a young age I always enjoyed working with animals and children.   I moved to Sarasota Florida in 1990 after I married my husband Tim.   I began working at a local small animal clinic and the Emergency Clinic of Sarasota while going to college.   I graduated with my bachelor's degree from the Uniiversity of South Florida in 1999.   My husband and I moved to St. Kitts in 2001 where I  began my veterinary studies at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine.   I completed my clinical year at University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated from vet school in 2004.   After graduating we moved back to Sarasota and I worked as a small animal emergency doctor for Animal ER and as a large animal veterinarian with Braden River Equine.   In 2008,  I along with my business partner opened West Coast Veterinary Center in Sarasota.   Although I love my job and my practice I have always wanted to teach.   I was given the oppurtunity to join SPC veterinary technology team in 2018 and teach large animal nursing.   It continues to be a awesome expirence that I enjoy.   In my personal time I love to travel, hike the various national parks, watch sunsets and enjoy our florida beaches with my family.