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Mr. Paul Andrews

Mr. Paul Andrews
Allstate Center
AC 114C
Adjunct Faculty

My core background is in law enforcement/investigations and instruction.  I was previously employed as a police officer for the City of Pinellas Park.  I have served in various capacities and sections over 27 years.  I still work in full-time law enforcement and have been an adjunct instructor at St. Petersburg College for about 12 years.

I have been instructing, both at my agencies and in the SPC police academy for more than 20 years.  I completed my education while employed full time.  I have first hand experience in maintaining a family life and full time job while working on my educational goals.  Like many of our students, I have been working on my education over the long term.  I feel this helps me understand what many of our students are working through during our courses. 

My wife and I grew up in the St. Petersburg, FL area where we rasied our children.
My educational background includes:
  • A.A. in Criminal Justice from St. Petersburg College
  • A.S. in Crime Scene Technology from St. Petersburg College
  • B.A. in Criminal Justice from St. Leo University
  • M.A. in Criminal Justice Administration from University of South Florida
  • FBI National Academy Graduate - Class #241
  • Graduate Certificate from the University of Virginia