Dr. Kari Allen

Education is a necessity - but being an educator is a privilege and honor. My hope is to inspire others to become outstanding educators and instil in them the motivation and passion to become lifelong learners and leaders in the field of education.
I began my career as a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design in the field of graphic design, but in 2003, made the decision to shift gears and pursue my Masters in Elementary Education, earning my degree from the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg in 2005. Being the lifelong learner that I am, I joined the very first cohort of doctoral students at Southeastern University in 2014, earning my Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction in 2017.
I have been an adjunct instructor for St. Petersburg College for 10 years. For the last 6 years, I have been a field supervisor for students in the College of Education and have recently become a course instructor for several reading and education courses. In addition to my time at SPC I have 11 years of experience as an elementary school teacher and 8 years of experience as an elementary Literacy Coach and Instructional Staff Developer, with a focus on grades 3-5. My roles at both SPC and PCS are interconnected in the fact that supporting and growing strong, passionate, and outstanding educators is my largest goal.
I have been extremely fortunate in my career as an educator to spend time with many leaders in literacy, including Kylene Beers, Bob Probst, Penny Kittle, Kelly Gallagher, Linda Rief, most recently when I was one of 25 educators across the country to be invited to spend a weekend at Kylene Beers' Tyrolia Ranch in Waco, Texas, where we participated in meaningful PD while also becoming friends and colleagues.
I truly believe that we all have the potential to grow and learn. My hope is that I will inspire my students to realize and experience their fullest potential in the educational profession.
"Even when demands on teachers continue to grow, they make time to learn more." - Kylene Beers