I have worked with computers since 1976, beginning with APL, FORTRAN and BASIC computer programming. I have a Bachelors degree in English from The State University of New York at Albany, a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction (English) from The University of South Florida and have completed the course work for an Ed.S degree in Curriculum and Instruction (Instructional Technology) at The University of South Florida. I am also a PMP (project management professional) . Additionally I hold a graduate certificate in Higher Education Leadership from the University of Florida. I am ABD ina Doctoral program at USF. Prior to working for SPC I taught High School for 7 years and I teach or have taught: EME2040; Introduction to Educational Technology, CGS1100;Micro Applications,CGS2103; Advanced Micro Applications, COP1822; Introduction to Web Page Creation with Flash MX and CJE1678; Introduction to Network Security, AML2012; American Literature I, AML2022; American Literature II; HTML and Advance JavaScript.COP 1000 Into to programming with Python, CTS2417 Data Visulization.My positions outside of SPC have included; Director for the Virtual College of Texas, Executive Director for Lumen Learning and Dean of eLearning Sincair College, Dean of elearning and Instructional Design SUNY Rockland.
My areas of interest are all associated with student success and learning. They include OER, AI, VR, gamification and CBE.
When I am not working with Technology I enjoy Sailing, Boating, Hiking and Exploring the World. My treks have taken me to Italy, France, England, Scottland, Ireland,Switzerland,New Zealand and Australia, and much of the US.
My wife and I have one amazing adult son and a middle aged Dog.