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Faculty by Campus

Faculty are listed under the campus locations where they teach, different office locations are noted.

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St. Pete / Gibbs
St. Pete / Gibbs
6605 Fifth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710

SPC's oldest campus opened in 1942 and is a full-service location, offering associate, bachelor's and certificate programs in: Child Development, Dance, Engineering Technology, Mathematics, Music and Natural Sciences. It is also home to the college's Music Center, Planetarium, St. Petersburg Collegiate High School and most of the college's varsity athletic programs. The West St. Petersburg Community Library, a partnership between St. Petersburg College and the City of St. Petersburg, provides users with a wide range of library materials and services in one location.
Gary Abernethy *
Julie Anne Adamich-Scheblein *
William Adams *
Shawn Adamski *
Kenneth Afienko
Erida Ajazi *
Cory Alexander
David Allen
Kari Allen *
Benjamin Alonzo
Paul Andrews *
James Angle *
Dennis Apple
Leja Apple
Neoka Apple *
Rita Applegate *
Luis Arenas
Narcisse Aspilaire
Daniel Babbitt *
Peter Bagley
Anthony Ballard *
Ian Banks *
William Barbanera -
Penny Barna *
Rebekah Barnett
Gary Battane *
Rosanne Beck *
David Beeler
Bryan Bennett
Susan Benson
Latresha Bighem-Moore
Tameka Bishop -
Louise Black
Angela Blackshaw
David Blinn
Jennifer Bowne
Joseph Braccio
Amber Brace *
Kelsey Brachna *
Darrell Bratton *
Ross Brightman
Lawrence Bross *
Joseph Bruni *
Gregory Buschman *
Steve Byrne
Robert Calabrisi *
Kari Calicchio *
Kimberly Campbell *
Tiffany Cantrell *
Thuc Cao
Marilyn Carrasquillo
Robert Ceneskie *
Jay Charboneau
Jody Charleston *
Jeremiah Cheek
Thomas Chestnutt *
Philip Chiaracane
Dianne Clarke
Tyrone Clinton *
Glen Colflesh
Adam Corbin *
Rina Coronel *
Nicole Costa
Eugene Cottle *
Charles Crowther *
Earnest Crumbley
Michael Culligan *
Robert Cundiff *
Duane Daiker *
Joi Davies
Catherine Davis *
Gelonya Davis
Gregory De La Piedra
Marianne Dean *
Cheri DeBlaere *
Margaret Delgato
Oniel Delva *
Sharon Donohue *
Jeffrey Donovick
Damon Dougherty *
Carol Downing *
John Duff
Nicole Dunham
Errol Dupoux
Carleah East-Perkins
Ann Marie Eligon
Lynn Ernst
Amber Estlund
Robert Fay
Bruce Ferber *
Jennifer Fernandez
Keith Fisher *
David Fitzgerald
William Fleming
Deborah Ford *
Cynthia Fox
Earl Fratus *
Cynthia Freed *
Clifton Garrison *
Cher Gauweiler *
Venita Gilstrap
Laura Gionet
Rebecca Givens *
Kalotina Glaros *
Thomas Glowacki
Timothy Godcharles *
Laura Gonzales *
Alison Gonzalez
Jevon Graham -
Alexa Green -
Sheree Greer
Valton Griffiths
Jennifer Hacker -
Leslie Hafer
Lars Hafner
Jacques Hakim *
Kelly Hallas *
John Hargiss *
Kathleen Hargiss *
Samuel Henderson *
Patrick Hernly
Daniel Hetzel
Andrew Heuertz
Phuc Hoang *
Berthe Honein
Holly Hoopes
Joanne Hopkins *
Patrick Horton -
Shemika Howard *
Wende Huehn-Brown
Jamie Hughes
Michael Hughes
Stacey Hughes
Ryan Irving *
Alicia Isaac *
Gabriel Isaacs -
Michael Jalazo
Alfonsa James *
Dawn Janusz *
Daniel Joiner
Lori Jones *
Craig Joseph
Ronald Kaiser *
Amy Kelley *
Andrea Kelly *
Lori Kelly
Daiva Kennedy
Janice Kicklighter *
Nancy Kiernan
Greta Kishbaugh *
Amber Klee
Curtis Knowles
Kiriaki Koymarianos *
Vipul Kumar *
Kristopher Larson *
Andrew Lasher
Michael Laverty *
Casey Lepak
Zachary Lewis -
David Liebert *
Audra Liswith *
July Llanes-Bonilla *
Johnie Long
Roberto Loureiro
Elizabeth Lovelady-Alfonso *
Jessica Magnani
Chad Mairn *
Laura Malave *
Sara Malowitz
Nicholas Manias *
Michelle Mann
David Manson
Tina March
Leonard Mardis *
Kim Marshall
Steve Marshall *
Sheila McCants -
Angela McLendon
Raymond Menard
Robert Mertzman
William Mickelsen
Darryl Miller *
Lee Miller
Adam Mohamed
Kimberly Moldt
Kimberly Molinaro *
Rebecca Monclova
David Monroe
Michele Mont *
Meredith Moran *
Christian Moriarty
Charlotte Moscardini *
Nathan Muehl
Nancy Munce
Thomas Murphy *
Veronica Murphy
Paul Myers *
Arlenne Negron *
Robert Neri
Anja Norman *
Mark Nusspickel
Shirley Oakley *
Gyldas Ofoulhast-Othamot
Randell Orner *
Mary Pacheco
Melanie Paden
Christy Pagano *
Stephanie Palomino
Erin Parke
Kimberly Pearson
Rodney Perry
Eric Petty *
Thomas Philippe *
Linda Phommana *
Orlando Pizana
Carla Plummer
Gregory Popovich
Marietta Poshi *
Michael Poulin
Steve Prettyman *
Tim Price *
Bledar Prifti *
Marta Przyborowski
William Range
Carol Rasor *
Howard Rein *
Teresa Restom Gaskill
Michael Rios *
Kazimierz Robak
Paul Roberts *
Susan Robinson
Kathleen Rodgers *
Rosa Rodriguez *
Veronica Rodriguez *
Andres Rojas *
Giulio Ronzoni *
Shelbey Rosengarten *
Tara Roy *
Dara Salvador *
Terry Schenk *
Anthony Seabrook *
Sharon Setterlind
Judson Settle *
Alan Shapiro *
John Shaw
Lisa Shearin
Alvin Sheriff *
Travis Siegfried
Stefanie Silvers *
Franklin Smith
Katy Snell
James Sommer -
Rayman Stanelle *
Kevin Stanley *
Vickie Stevens
Tracy Stodart
Martin Storm
Anna Suess
Linda Switzer
Carolina Tave *
Michael Tedesco *
Eleni Theocharakis *
Janice Thiel
Derrick Thomas
Kevin Thomas
Adrian Tillman
Teri Trede *
Angelique Trutie
Sasha Tuck
Lillien Tunceren *
Ratna Vege -
Chondell Villines *
Tai Vo
Sonya Walker *
Carter Waterkeyn *
Nancy Watkins
Carol Weideman
Dwayne Welch
Kristine Whaley
Thelma Wharton
Julia White
Shannon Whitlock *
Marjorie-Anne Wikoff
Phillips Wilde *
Cora Wilkerson
Timothy Wolter
Jill Woodson *
James Worden *
Russell Wright
Xin Wu
Hui Xu
Claire Yates *
Gabriel Yeager *
Jeffrey Youmans *
  * office located on different campus
  - course information only