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Faculty by Campus

Faculty are listed under the campus locations where they teach, different office locations are noted.

View faculty members that teach online.

Health Education Center
Health Education Center
7200 66th St. N., Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Special features on this campus include a patient-care clinic for dental hygiene, an $11 million building for the College of Orthotics and Prosthetics and a simulated hospital training facility. The state-of-the-art mock hospital is fully equipped with patient simulators allowing students to practice clinical procedures without endangering real patients.
Rhonda Anderson *
Kristopher Antonio -
Heather Austin *
Darren Barnhill *
Julia Bednarski *
Lisa Bell *
Bari Berger *
Raeanna Bonetti *
Lisa Boros *
Jeffrey Briggs *
Gary Brown *
Twila Brown *
Marlena Buitrago *
Madeleine Burke *
Floyd Butz *
Chelsea Carrington *
Heather Chastain *
Angela Clem *
Shirley Collar *
Schuyler Connell *
LaPorsha Crumbs *
Katie Daleski -
Tammy Damon *
Amanda Daniels *
Kevin Davis *
Jennifer Davy-Marquardt *
Adam Dodd *
Sheri Dulski *
Pauline Eberhardt *
Rachel Ellison *
Vanessa Fanfan *
Megan Fields *
Georda Finnegan -
John Fleming *
Denise Fonzo *
Jacqueline Frazer *
Brittney Frazier *
Latrena Gamble-Harrell *
Beverly Gardner-Northern *
Stephanie Gauldin -
Heather Gerts *
Melissa Goddard *
Sandra Gonterman-Spagnolo *
Kimberly Gunter-Moyers *
Kathleen Hammerer -
Justin Hancock *
Mary Hanlon *
Steven Hardt *
Jacqueline Hawkins-Johnson *
Jamie Hofrichter *
Kimberley Holloway *
Tabitha Hurry *
Robin Jahnke *
Tiffany James *
Brenda Jasper *
Elizabeth Johnson *
Charles Jones *
Christopher Jordan -
Chandrawattie Karran *
Amy Krueger *
Jason Kwok -
Ashley Lake -
Aslene Lamm *
Lindsay Largent *
Vonet Lassiter *
Deborah Lauman *
Jennifer Lawrence -
Kimberly Leavitt *
Jean Lee *
Savanna Lentz *
Lisa Leonard *
Katherine Lin *
Connie Lindmeier *
Christine Long *
Elyse Lynford *
Eugene Macogay *
Lara Maisch *
Michelle Manias *
Holly Marzula -
Deborah McCarron *
Taneshia McClendon *
Veronica McCoy *
Marie McCusker *
Lori McGill *
Felicia Mead -
Jennifer Mistretta *
Jill Moore *
Darcy Morgan *
Anne Morris *
Barbara Mulholland *
Anna Neuzil *
Robin Nousiainen *
Shannon O'connor *
Michelle Offutt *
Elizabeth Olsen -
Leah Olson *
Marilyn Orris -
Rebecca Overdorf *
Kenneth Patterson *
Kevin Patterson *
Scott Pelletier *
Tamara Petrocelli *
James Pfeiffer *
Melanie Poirier *
Loretta Poling *
Deborah Potter *
Felicia Pryby *
Chelsea Quaglia *
Steven Raisch *
Nancy Raniszewski *
Robin Richins *
Fredrick Rogers *
Amy Ross *
Alexis Ruiz *
Mary Rutan *
Kengia Sabree *
Michael Servis -
Susan Shuman *
Ralph Sibbio *
Anita Smith *
Kirsten Snellenburg *
Christina Snoots -
Robert Stanley *
Deanna Stentiford *
Christina Stolar *
Kory Thomas *
Andrea Tran *
Teri Trede *
Amanda Tynan -
Todd Van Auken *
Ruth Velazquez *
Thomas Viola *
Margaret Vivoda *
Sergej Vukota -
Amber Walker *
Stephanie Watkins *
Brittany Weber -
Stephen Weber *
Reshia Wheeler *
Herbert Williams -
Hopeton Williams *
Katherine Woods *
Brandy Ziesemer *
  * office located on different campus
  - course information only