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Career Connections

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People who score highest in Artistic are referred to as “Creators”. They tend to prefer working with ideas. You will find them working on tasks that require them to work with abstractions and concepts. Artistic individuals are spontaneous and open-minded and tend to prefer working in environments that require creative input.


Best Match - A

Arts, Humanities, and Design
 -  Digital Arts: Media and Interactive Web Design A.S. Degree (A)
 -  Digital Media Technology Interactive Web Design (A)
 -  Music Industry/Recording Arts A.S, Degree (A, AR)


Arts, Humanities, and Design
 -  Architecture (AR)
 -  Audio Technology Certificate (AR)
 -  Digital Graphic Design Certificate (AC)
 -  Digital Photography Certificate (AR)
 -  Humanities - A.A. Transfer/General Studies (AS)
 -  Music Performance (AR, AI, AS, AE, AC)
 -  Photographic Technology A.S. Degree (AR)
 -  Video Production Certificate (AR)

 -  Marketing Certificate (AE)

Engineering, Manufacturing, and Building Arts
 -  Computer-Aided Design and Drafting Certificate (AR)
 -  Drafting and Design Technology A.S, Degree (AR)
 -  Drafting Certificate (AR)