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Courses by Term

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Fall 2024-2025

All Courses - Fall 2024-2025 (0640)

EAP 0200
Basic Listening/Speaking

EAP 0295
Basic ESL I

EAP 0300
Interm Listening/Speaking I

EAP 0395
Basic ESL II

EAP 0400
Interm Listening/Speaking II

EAP 0495
Intermediate ESL

EAP 1500
Advanced Listening/Speaking

EAP 1595
Advanced ESL I

EAP 1695
Advanced ESL II

ECO 2000
Introduction to Economics

ECO 2013
Principles of Macroeconomics

ECO 2023
Principles of Microeconomics

EDE 4226
Integr Lang Arts/Child Lit /SS

EDE 4304
Integrated Math and Science

EDE 4940
Internship: Elementary Ed

EDE 4942
Integr Lng Arts/SS /Cr. Ar. Pr

EDE 4943
Integr Math & Sci Practicum

EDF 1005
Introduction to Education

EDF 3214
Studnt Dev & Lrngn Prin K-12

EDF 3660
Education & Pub Policy in US

EDF 4084
Cultural & Scl Foundtns of Ed

EDF 4430
Msrmt,Eval & Asmnt In Ed K-12

EDF 4604
Education in America

EDF 4632
Sociology of Education

EDF 4650
Hlth,Sfty,&Ethics/Yth&Fmly Set

EDF 4731
Youth Administration & Leaders

EDF 4754
Theoretical & Practical Issues

EDF 4810
Comparative Intn'l Education

EDF 4944
EPI Practicum

EDG 3410
Clsrm Mgmt & Comm K-12

EDG 3620
Curriculum & Instruction

EDG 3661
Adult Learn Theory & Curr Dev

EDG 4940
Internship: EDST

EEC 1223
Observtn & Assmt in Erly Chldh

EEC 1600
Guiding the Young Child

EEC 1603
Early Childhood Development

EEC 2002
Fndtn Chld Care & Educ Admin

EEC 2300
Dev Cogn Activites Young Child

EEC 2312
Dev Creative Activ Young Child

EEC 2907
Early Childhood Edu Internship

EEC 3005
Child Grth & Dev. in Erly Chlh

EEC 3009
Fndtn Erly Chldhd Care & Edctn

EEC 3204
Curriculum Erly Chldhd Ed

EEC 3266
Program Planning for Infants &

EEC 3413
Wrkng Dvrs Fmls Erly Chldhd Ed

EEC 4210
Ingrtd Crrculm I PreK/Prmry Ed

EEC 4212
STEM in Early Childhood

EEC 4948
Early Childhood Education Inte

EET 1084C
Introduction to Electronics

EET 1205C
Electronic Instrumentation

EET 2140C
Solid State Electronics W/Lab

EET 2949
Engineering Technology Wrk Exp

EEX 2010
Survey of Unique Learning Need

EEX 3012
Nature & Needs of Excptnl Stdn

EEX 3241
Curr & Instr for Excptnl Std

EEX 4940
Internship: Exceptnal Stu Educ

EME 2040
Intro Educational Technology

EME 4232
Intrmdte App of Tech for Educ

EME 4312
Ed Tech for 21st Cent Teach

EMP 0519
Basic Life Support Provider (B

EMS 1119
Fundmentals of Emerg Med Care

EMS 1119L
Fund Emerg Med Care Lab

EMS 1119
Fundmentals of Emerg Med Care

EMS 1411
Emerg Med Care Clinic Exper

EMS 1421
EMT Field Internship

EMS 2601L
Paramedic Laboratory I

EMS 2601
Paramedic Theory I

EMS 2659C
Paramedic Field Internship

EMS 2664
Paramedic Clinical I

ENC 0025
Development Writing II

ENC 1101
Composition I

ENC 1101H
Honors Composition I

ENC 1101
Composition I

ENC 1102
Composition II

ENC 2210
Technical Writing

ENG 2100
Intro to Motion Pictures

ENT 1000
Intro to Entrepreneurship

ENT 1012
Entrepreneurship Management

ENT 2010
Plang Entrepreneurial Venture

ENT 2120
Entrepreneurial Mktng & Sales

ESC 1000C
Earth Science

ETC 2521C
Hydraulics and Hydrology

ETD 1320C
Introduction to CAD

ETD 1340C

ETD 1390C
Intro to Architectural Revit

ETD 2364C
Introduction to SolidWorks

ETD 2368C
Advanced Solidworks

ETD 2369C
SolidWorks Applications

ETD 2371C
Rapid Protypng Mdl Dsgn/Fab

ETD 2392C
Advanced Architectural Revit

ETI 1110
Intro to Quality Assurance

ETI 1420
Manuf Processes/Materials I

ETI 1622
Intro to Lean Six Sigma

ETI 1628
Process Improvement Teams

ETI 1701
Industrial Safety

ETI 2610
Six Sigma Methodology and Tool

ETI 2623
Lean Systems

ETI 3647
Supply Chain Management

ETM 1010C
Mechanical Msrmt & Instrumnttn

ETM 2315C
Fluid Power

ETS 1407
Survey of Medical Technology

ETS 1511C
Motors and Controls

ETS 1542C
Programmable Logic Controllers

ETS 2424C
Electro-Mechanical Systems

ETS 2450C
Medical Device Networking

EUH 1000
Western Civilization I

EVR 1001C
Introduction to Environmental

EVR 1310
Renewable Resources

EVR 1328
Ntrl Rsrce Conservation & Mgmt

EVR 1357
Wetland Resources